Chronos Apollonios' "Home on Olympus"

The Face on Mars

(I'm Not Kidding...)

One more of those things-that many times on the cover of the National Inquirer and who'd think anything of it?

And yet, Richard Hoagland, an actual scientist mind you, paints a very convincing picture in many areas, including and especially where the Martian region of Cydonia has interesting parallels to features on England's Silbury Plain, which one of Hoagland's associates, David Percy, covers in the book, "Two-Thirds"

Once again the immense benefits of sincere searches in the oddest places seem apparent. The ideas coming forth about planetary forces are also formidable and promising.

Hoagland's many critics, whose seem to be engaging in a rather fashionable criticism, seem to easily overlook the extent of his insights. I'm not including any of the countless images of the face on Mars here, no matter how sensible the arguments in favor have consistently been, and by now, that's the point.

The Face on Mars or its authenticity doesn't necessarily even matter anymore- it's gotten far beyond that already- the phenomena and the physics that it brought attention to do matter.

Hoagland has made famous the latitude of 19.5 degrees, where the planets of our solar system exhibit various phenomena, such as the red spot on Jupiter.

Earlier this year, unusual solar phenomena occurred... at 19.5 degrees latitude on the sun. Due to Hoagland's efforts, many aficionados of fringe science instantly recognized the connection, and identified the events as further support for Hoagland's assertions about the physics that derived from his investigations into the Martian geographical features.

Whatever the shapes on Mars turn out to be... or not... Hoagland is onto something of tremendous importance.

Not only does Hoagland's own integrity lend much credence to his assertions- it takes a lot of guts for any mainstream scientist to go where he's going, and he doesn't seem to be one of the "big science" crowd of researchers who seem to enjoy spending money even faster than they can think. Instead, he's making the most of what goes on, and since this web page was first created, he's added to his Enterprise Mission site an incredible set of pages going step by step though hyperdimensional physics.

He isn't creating a new science so much as going back to the science of early this century to see where it made a wrong turn roughly a hundred years ago.

He's also added acknowledgement of efforts of retired Air Force colonel, Tom Bearden, who's previously struggled single-handledly to keep alive and bring to light the science of Nikola Tesla, who present hoard of devotees recognize as a prodigal genius, and an ignored inventor of nearly everything, from the electricity we use, to radio (not Marconi), to the florescent light.

Hoagland's efforts seem to come together well with a great deal of fringe and ignored science. Here's just one example:

C.W. Cho, "Tetrahedral Physics", 449 Izumi, Komae City, Tokyo, Japan (1971) isn't infrequent amongst scholarly citations. It is also strikingly close to the implications of Hoagland's discoveries and assertions.

"Cho describes in detail one of Seike's (previous reference) hyperspatial, four dimensional rotating forms called the "resonating electromagnetic feild" (RMF). The form is generated by rapidly switching electric charge in a specific way among four spheres located at the vertices of a tetrahedron. The dynamics of the switching are such that there are two modes of rotation orthagonal to each other: a rotational mode and a precessional, oscillating "inside out" mode. The projected hyperspatial structure is described as a "dynamical Klein bottle". It is predicted that experiemtnally switching the charges in the described manner will cause the apparatus to exhibit gravitational and inertial anomalies".

This is in fact the description of Cho's work in the annotated references of Moray B. King's paper on "Cohering the Zero-Point Energy". It is but one sobering reference that can be cited in this regard.

In other words, when Hoagland talks about how the details of the Martian geometry and the planetary findings may provide a future source of free energy, he has good reason. What is being learned may lead to successfully achieving the much-desired and much-discussed goal of tapping zero-point energy.

And maybe one of the things we'll be learning will be some much needed and much overdue mutual respect and cooperation between the self-segregating worlds of science and magick. After all, Graham Hancock is quite convinced that the people of Egypt weren't just a bunch of fools dancing around after superstitious priests. "Take us seriously!", he passionately beseeches us on their behalf. Alright. But where would any living remnant of their greatness be hiding, but between the lines of old wives tales and superstitions, where so many of the best-loved assertions of the latest generation of wonder-seekers had been dwelling all the while, and maybe far more than they yet dare to dream.

Speaking of Klein bottles...Not only did Aleister Crowley's "Book of Thoth" Tarot companion advise us that the force that moves a dowsing rod [magnetism] will someday take man to the stars, foreseeing amazing developments in magnetics that promise real interstellar transportation, but there seems to be something rather hyperdimensional going on in the cards as well.

Here's the card from Crowley's "Thoth" tarot deck whose very name is that of our "final frontier", "The Universe", and the closeup, showing something very much on that order, along with stong implications of the relevance of "bulk angular momentum", in the angular movement markings.

Since the tetrahedron is impractical to demonstrate in this format, the outpourings of forces from the symbolic faces at the corners of the card may be the now-familiar uprisings of energy at the corners of the planetary tetrahedra, perhaps symbolized as water to illuminate the signficant context of the "Martian physics", namely fluid flow and vorticular fluid dynamics.

What we see here, however, is that there may be some distinguisability between the four point of upwelling, which could well relate to why, for instance, we do not necessarily find volcanic activity at all four points, nor do we know of four "great red spots" on Jupiter.

Although such a notion may seem at first contradictory, these four cardinal forces are extremely well known to the ancients, and as they occur in such places as the "Wheel of Fortune" card in the tarot, may refer to matter and energy in the prevailing context, in other states than fluid ones.

One additional note, and deeper exploration of this physics might also be found in a detail of this card. The tetrahedron is also a fundamental stucture of the atomic level of matter. Hoagland's inquiries, in fact, have already encountered the planetary grid mathematics of Carl P. Munck, who joined Hoagland's "Enterprise Mission" staff, and there is a great deal of background on many other mappings of a planetary grid system to be found in "Anti-Gravity and the World Grid" (from Adventures Unlimited Press, edited by David Hatcher Childress), including a comparison of some models of the primary planetary grid to the molecular structure of buckminsterfullerenes, the soccer-ball like, spherical molecules of carbon sometimes known as "buckyballs".

The significance of this detail of background features of Crowley's card may be that this "temple" is a symbolic representation of the periodic table of elements, another harmonious indication that our search for meaning in the "Martian physics" should head in the direction of the atomic or subatomic.

Besides the collapsing of higher dimensions down to the Planck length leading toward the microscopic realm, the resemblance between the nodal geometry of planets and atoms may hint that the Martian physics will yet yeild a true and usable Unified Feild Theory, if we are indeed truly lacking one.

If Crowley advises the magickian to study science, as he often does, we'll consider it advice well taken. What shall we consider it if he would advise the scientist to study (not necessarily practice!) magick? Bear in mind that either discipline may require huge reserves of patience, discerning and independent thought for any true progress to occur, but a true master of one has a great many qualifications to be a true master of the other as well. Perhaps what is called for here most, however, is someone who has substantial mastery of the languages of both sciences who can serve as a translator between the two.

Here is a hyperspatial geometry graphic from Hoagland's site, (the stunning related hypercube from Hoagland's videos which further links these diverse images may have to be hand drawn for scanning, which I unfortunately couldn't find on his voluminous webpages, or anyone else's yet), a less convincing version of a familiar magickal artwork found in various sources, it's closeup, and it's relative from Lewis Spence, "Encyclopaedia of Occultism". They may not seem related, but in context we may see their relationship through this progression. As so often, the ancient records of amazing wisdom appear in stylized and creative forms, some of which may be hard to recognize without familiarity with a wide sampling of various kinds of literature, and frequently, all sorts of careful mathematic scrutiny.

At left and right beneath them are illustrations of the sacred geometry of Stonehenge (left) and of St. Mary's Chapel in Glastonbury, from John Mitchell's "The View Over Atlantis". We have encountered the likes of the sacred geometry of the Martian landscape before, and in fact Mitchell's book is further striking testimony that this ancient science not only took an incredibly long time to disappear, but that it turns up in some most peculiar places, such as the geometry and placement of numerous churches in England, in addition to the reserves of equally inconspicuous knowledge found in the occult.

Note particularly the uncanny recurrance of the circle and elipsoid pattern on the face at center right and the geometry of St. Mary's Chapel. What do these still have left to tell us?

How often, for example, might we find such "magic numbers" from the Martian knowledge as 19.5, in the "hidden" sacred geometries such as those which fills Mitchell's work, and the works of others?

Other common threads link the progression of this sacred geometry from the pagan to the Judeo-Christian; the alignment of the churches may be a direct expansion on the alignment of dolmens, menhirs and other ancient stones. Furthermore, there's not only an echo of the curious "magickal" healing powers attributed to the ancient stones in the healing power of Christianity particularly in such places, but the tunnels that often inexplicably link these sites and follow ley lines are strangely reminiscent of modern particle accelerators.

Such healing potentials are still often linked to such possible sources of high frequency-high energy, and it's possible that some of the configurations may have produced a "holy water" that was notably enriched with hydrogen peroxide, which increasingly recieves the reputation of being able to effectively fight oxygen-deficit (or perhaps electron-deficit) disorders that even include HIV. Methods as peroxide and ozone therapies have had many enthusiasts and proponents, including Christian Bernard, who performed the first successful heart transplant, and many of them, are outspoken on the world-wide web, like the Sumeria site, for instance.

At left: Another hyperspatial form in Crowley's Thoth tarot "Fool" trump card? Clearly, there's significant tetrahedral geometry in the 3 of Disks from the Thoth, at center.

Perhaps most intriguing, and even a little eerie could we truly say it were a total surprise, is the "pentacle" from the Clavicule de Solomon, at right, which can be found as Fig. 153, pg. 180, of Emile Grillot de Givry's "Illustrated Anthology of Sorcery, Magic and Alchemy".

Like may other examples, it may represent a certain degree of degradation of ancient scientific knowledge into supersition for whatever reasons; while the energetic properties of geometric forms are well known, this "pentacle for Causing Earthquakes", as it is labeled, is far more likely to have once been a model of the forces that cause them, and a testament to the ancient knowledge of these factors, rather than an agent of their causation.

Still, it's a gripping and compelling find, and might even have details that could expand further on the understanding of planetary geometry and physics.

There seems as if there may be the same geometry in the center of Crowley's version of The Hierophant that can not only be found in the "D&M Pyramid", one of the keys to Hoagland's attentions to hyperspatial physics, but seems to appear in the background geometry of the Cerne Abbas Giant, visible here.

In addition to many other striking observations of significances to the Giant and it's apparent counterpart, the Uffington White Horse, the original form of the Giant's left arm sags so much that in addition to the tell-tale undulation of the club, it may well in part be a significator of issues regarding ectoplasm, or perhaps more rightly, whatever physics will eventually choose to label it.

Ectoplasmic issues and their relationship to the etiology of human sexuality may be the only reason that an unclothed image with pronounced phallus appears, for reasons that are mentioned on a page of this site inquiring just how long ago the ancients came to terms with the biochemistry of magickal immortality.

Hoagland describes in his first Martian video, "The NASA-Cydonia Briefings", how upwellings of energy and vorticular phenomena not only occur throughout the entire solar system at 19.5 degrees latitude north and south, but how volcanic activity on Jupiter's moon, Io, is also prominent at latitudes of 29-30 degrees latitude north and south, and at 45 degrees latitude north and south, forming a regular, repeating pattern of what Hoagland refers to as "nested vortices".

Hoagland suspects that proof of the tetrahedal structure to the locations of these vortices may also be found in the possibility that one of the three points of upwelling at the corners of the planetary tetrahedron may be the volcanic activity of Hawaii, with Maunakea occuring at the prescribed latitude of 19.5 degrees north ("Hoagland's Mars, Vol II: "The Terrestrial Connection" video).

Thirty degrees latitude north and south happens to be exactly where Ivan Sanderson situated the Bermuda Triangle and nine other areas of anomalous activity, regularly spaced around the globe, on this map. Both the final support for the traingle phenomena, and their understanding, may proceed from Hoagland's observations and the message of the Martian geometry.

Hence, along with the tetrahedral geometry at 19.5 degrees north and south, Hoagland's Martian science may have room for perhpas another companion geometry that is pentagonal in nature, at 29-30 degrees north and south, and extending this pattern to 45 degrees north and south, yet another geometry may occur. Pentagonal geometric features also occur along with hexagonal geometry in the views of plantary poles, such as the view of Saturn that can be found in the pages of Hoagland's sections on Hyperspatial physics at this "Enterprise Mission" site.

Inevitably, though, in spite of the best efforts of Sanderson and others, there may well be significant disparity, as well as possible drift of the vortices, judging by some reports of typical activities that may have been caused by them.

It may prove in the end that the significance of the geomtry of the D&M pyramid is in part that it is the actual, uneven, distribution of the Bermuda and other primary vortice areas, and warrants models featuring the experimental superpositioning of two opposing and interpenetrating structures similar to the Martian pyramid, interlocked in the same fashion as with the two tetrahedra.

"Curiouser and curiouser!"...

The most stunning example, however, that can be cited in regards to ancient sacred geometry may be that now associated with the Knights Templar, the Piory of Zion (Prieure de Sion), and Rennes-le-Chateau. I'm still searching for images on the internet that compare to the incredible contents of the program that is repeatedly aired on "The Learning Channel", that shows the incredible geometry of ancient churches over an even greater span, forming incredibly huge pentagrams, some of whose corners are located in Jerusalem, although written descriptions can be found.

The geometry of the Templar churches and the geometry of Mars are linked not only by the grandeur and magnitude of both the ambitions and accomplishments they entail, but the manner in which they are found through the progression through riddles, laid out as puzzles, with clues and codes.

They are also linked by the pagan character of their contents. It may be difficult to explain the Christian church going to almost unbelievable lengths to place the images of the pentagram on the earth and forming it out of their own churches, but it there's one thing that's immediately obvious, it's that none of contempory Christian hysteria about the beloved pagan symbol is likely to be in any way appropriate. The sign of the pagan has quickly become the most conspicuous key to the Christian past and to the Christian agenda imaginable.

In uniting these occurences, we may be able to take the bridge between them as a key to better understaning the face on Mars. Like the Martian geometry and the connected terrestrial markers of celestial alignment that have already been noted- the pyramids, and following them many Mesoamerican and South American sites, Angkor Wat, and who knows how many others- the Templar geometry may be preoccupied with the precise position of the earth as measured over time, a configuration that could meter any foreboding deviations, while its own geometry may put forth important messages.

The celestial macrocosm, and the precession of the earth that has proved so important in understanding what Hancock and Bauval have discovered about the Sphinx and the pyramids, is found in the microcosm as the precession of atoms- a phenomena not only associated with modern NMR, but one which has been found in the time reversal experiments which use energy to do what David Bohm's famous "Ink Drop Experiment" does mechanically- reverse the decomposition of a collection of matter...

All of this in addition to the amazing hyperdimensional science that Hoagland has become such a strong and visible advocate of.

True to Egyptian form, and extending through all of these other traditions, may be a message in the celestial and sacred geometry that brings us to full magickal mastery of the forces of nature-a mastery of resurrection, materialization, anti-gravity, and other miracle-making that can be understood, and shared, by all of mankind, and can solve even our problems of overpopulation, by opening to us the doorway to the stars.

As soon as I am able, I will be adding many, many links to all of the relevant topics on this page. Please "stay tuned"! In the meantime, here's a little "Daily Grail" to help tide you over...



Richard Hoagland's Enterprise Mission (not to be missed!!!)
S-4 Database: Richard Hoagland

"If in fact the sun is a gate to another dimension and the energy we see is merely a lower level transformation of a higher level force or energy process, then it may be possible to harness such a process on earth and create an actual hyperdimensional technology. What could one do in terms of generating energy electricity and other phenomena if one could somehow figure out the math and the physics and then apply that technology to the betterment of us all here and now on an earth emperiled with ozone depletion, with resource depletion, with oil limited to a few and needed by the many? All of the problems that civilization is heir to... of scarcity, of want, of privation of unequality of injustice... all of them could be circumvented if a few simple technologies could be devised which could tap into an unlimited and non-polluting source of energy for the betterment of mankind at this crucial defining moment in human history."- Richard C. Hoagland, in his "Terrestrial Connection" Video

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