I've been filled with considerable assurance that most of what you would find here would be met by the mystical luminaries with a very matter-of-factly, "but of course!". Still, for what it is worth, perhaps you will find these musings in some way illuminating.
This site's page devoted to the Holy Grail begins to explore what may be the one of the single most powerful hypersymbols one is likely to encounter, Arthur and the Grail, and begins to try to unravel some of the endless ancient knowledge that is embedded within its enticing but sometimes opaque tapestry. As is to be expected, however, such an effort with all likelihood is barely scratching the surface. Nor should the relevant elements be made to stand so alone as that, for it there's one thing that seems clear about the ancient science, it continually and seamlessly integrates numerous traditions. In a strikingly holographic fashion, each part of it contains and related to the other parts.
Elsewhere on this site, I have voiced a speculation that the known frequency of ancient Roman roads occurring over underground streams implies that the ancients were able to harness the dowsing response into a form of propulsion, to carry horseless and fuel-less carts and chariots down these roads, propositions that are given a light and tentative defense by the collected material. This may have coincided conveniently with the need for water, for such a system is conducive to easily providing wells for the traveler, and of course there is little doubt that such doings were anything but the work of people who had a great mastery of detecting and mapping natural forces.
I should add here that making the dragon into the part-time European version of the heavy animals that seem to appear comically actually pulling chariots and plows in Egyptian and other artworks, a symbol of transportation propelled by the forces of earth energy, might readily explain the dichotomy of why the dreaded consumer of noble knights at the same time has long found its way into flights of fancy as a substitute for the trusty steed.
Even Pegasus, who is another of this breed, is readily associated with water and wells by the Greeks by his mythical involvement in the origins of the fountain Hippocrene. It would seem the Greeks, like everyone else, of course had their own expressions of these ancient sciences.
Hence, if we make an issue of water for a moment, and connect this magick to what, by way of encounter with the geomantic science and icons of the East, the "Dragon Currents", we have a more traditionally expressive icon in the form of the Dragon, who can and should be experimentally made a symbol of water, since his habit of breathing fire has long and easily been an artistic emblem of thirst. This in fact lends even more weight to the particular shamanic interpretation of Arthur and the Grail legend that is given herein, but as we see such an interpretation is unlikely to be the entirety of the meaning (not to mention that what occurs on that page is by no means the fullest interpretation within this context that can be made).
The source for one of the more stirring quotes regarding the Chinese science and its symbols is also a source for the knowledge that in addition for to the frequency of old Roman roads being built over or along underground water, they are at times and in places built over the pre-existing "Old Straight Track"- the even more ancient system of roads that coincide with ley lines.
Here are questions then that inevitably arises- how often, therefore, do the ley lines themselves correspond with underground water? Has the pronunciation about Roman roads been in error because of dowsers' responses to the ley lines rather than to water, or is there indeed such a high rate of coincidence between the ley lines and water? If so, can this help us to understand the precise nature of the geomantic magnetic forces and their behavior?
The stakes, in fact, may be high, for the ancient science of sacred geometry and planetary forces is not confined to this earth. Richard C. Hoagland has rather unpretentiously stated a remarkable and undeniable case that these sciences, their patterns, and their mark of characteristic intelligence, are displayed on the surface of Mars, in the form of a face and artifacts whose suggestion of intelligent handiwork goes far beyond the superficial.
All things considered, it is almost as if the structures on Mars are inviting us to go there. They seem to be speaking to us rather deliberately, and even enlightening us with the knowledge that may take us there.
Still, however, our material problems can be expected to follow us. The difficulty of obtaining atmosphere, of obtaining water, of sustaining agriculture, all of these must be faced, just as they are part of the question of whatever happened to life and habitability on Mars in the first place if such evidence is staring us in the face. We may in fact never truly know, but perhaps whomever was speaking to us across ages, providing us with knowledge, was also pointing the way to other provisions.
While I cannot even begin to guarantee you that there is underground water constantly following certain ley lines on Earth, let alone Mars, not only does our set of arising questions imply that there may be, but if there is usable water lying beneath the Cydonia region, our ancient benefactors may have chosen to indicate its presence to us with the animal symbol that appears not only once, but at least twice- the dolphin form, an aquatic animal, that appears in the Martian photographs, amongst many other possible reasons for them having chosen that symbol.
Such a possibility should not be overlooked, nor dismissed lightly.
Two dolphin forms as they appear on Mars (upper and lower left) and as they appear in the ancient frescoes of Knossos (upper right) and the Gundestrup cauldron (lower right). These ancient earthly artworks have powerful meanings in ancient science and magick, and seem to largely concern the physics of probably non-mediumisitic materialization and other sophisticated concepts.
Their meanings were once universal, and may help us understand the messages of the deliberate structures on Mars. The pointilism of the scene from the Gundestrup is evocative of something like a stream of atoms, or the "matter stream" of Star Trek transporters and replicators.
The dolphin seems to be several times over a candidate as a materialization symbol because not only of their own reputation for being gregarious, grouping so that they are utilizable as a symbol for aggregating atoms, but it appears their earthly plight of being trapped in fishing nets may be because they deliberately try to help fishermen by herding tuna into groups and steering them toward the nets for them, just as they will push fish into the boats of sailors lost and adrift, deliberately trying to feed them.
Both of these ancient terrestrial artworks also make their magickal science messages much clearer by utilizing unusual idiosyncracies. Other artworks from the same sources show even stronger signs of highly technical intelligence.
Does the "zipper-like" feature on the one at upper left recall the curious "zipper-like" features of the Cretan dolphins? Does the one on Mars imply a relevance of energy propogating as vortex rings of scalar energy, when they are seen from a side view?
At left here is a larger shot showing more surrounding details of this dolphin, including the mound at the tale that may not be a natural one, and a scene from Richard Hoagland's Enterprise Mission pages showing the Enterprise Mission team's acknowledgement that this form is part of a larger, noticable tetrahedral geometry , which may afford further illumination into it's mystical science messages.
It's very likely that this form, or its symbolic relatives, will be found many more times on the Martian surface.
It is, however, only a beginning here. By the time the dragon is allowed even the slightest confusion with the Phoenix, there is a whole other world that opens up, and as Brinsley lePoer Trench recounts for us in "Temple of the Stars", Mrs. K.E. Maltwood, a trailblazer into the world of sacred sites and ley lines even before John Mitchell, observed that "the people who erected the Temple of Stars, understood this sign [the dragon] under quite a different symbol, and that symbol was the Phoenix- the mythical bird, who, at the close of its life cycle, immolated itself and rose again renewed from its own ashes! And it is this Phoenix bird, from whom we dare to believe the Phoenicians derived the name of the king from whom they claimed to be descended, that the 'intolerably' ancient architects of this primeval zodiac chose to be their representative figure of the eleventh sign."
That eleventh sign is for us Aquarius, the water bearer, although that stirring consistency is only a glimpse of the full relevancy here. What we see may not only be important clues to the ancient science, and its applications in the mundane tasks we now take for granted such as obtaining life-giving water, but such a consistency might also constitute further proof of what I have suggested on several pages of this site already, that the ancient temples and wonders and alignments, in their role as celestial pointers, have the added benefit of being able to use the precession of the earth though the heavens to illustrate and indicate that all-important precession of atoms and perhaps other particles on that scale of reality, and the astounding physics that goes with it, including the incredibly Phoenix-like science of time reversal .
We may even be encouraged by the ancient markings on Mars to consider applying this miraculous physics to the tasks at hand, and we have much already of our own work to help encourage us that indeed, perhaps we should.
Still, as I glance at my copy of "The View Over Atlantis", suspended over Roger Dean's art is the concise text atop it's rear cover, "We all live within the ruins of an ancient structure, whose vast size has hitherto rendered it invisible". Perhaps its grandeur and magnitude have also rendered it invisible to us, at least without a sense of its purpose, for as fashionable as it is to seek tours to sacred sites in hopes of "energies favorable to meditation", something that seems like a hopelessly elusive and almost decadent luxury to a great many.
Indeed, feng-shui provides for us not only choosing the ideal sites for the still-nameless reasons it was so used in China, but for making the best of and correcting the energies associated structures that have been ignorantly misplaced. Likewise, there's nearly a schism between magick and shamanism, which there shouldn't be, in the form of the modern focus on going to a "power place", whereas magick has long had a considerable focus on making a place of power, temporary or permanent, for intents and purposes virtually anywhere.
It could easily be that any calling of quarters, with endless versions and traditions and cultures to choose from, has it's "ultimate" definition in that it may force the fortuitous bisection of the yin and yang currents of the Chinese science, rather than search the landscape for where such a thing is naturally granted.
At times it's difficult to imagine, why all of this ancient effort was truly necessary. Is it indeed the case that a great many failures of magick may lie in an inability to correctly recreate the condition that direct proximity to the leys and power places provides? Is there something about these places still that even the skeptic will have to admit is of great benefit to magickal undertakings? Is competent magick somehow truly more infallible in these places?
Perhaps, however, we can assure ourselves at least through the comparison of the Chinese science and our magick that there is certainly more to be gained from such manifestations that simply "good fortune" or the appeasement of a sense of "vibratory aesthetics". It's even an incredible amount of trouble to go through for the sake of "good health".
We have further suggestions of this, and they may take the form of what I have detailed about the Cerne Abbas Giant on this site's page devoted to the "Martian sphinx" (as the "face on Mars" is also called) a huge figure that originally had more features, such as the previous elongation of the figure's left arm, that prove to be a traditional symbol for the conjuration or direction of ectoplasm, a magickal gesture of mediums of considerable significance, which normally materializations of various kinds.
Let's in fact slow down and think on that for a moment.
Traditionally, if unofficially, the generation of ectoplasm seems to have been a bit of a science, and there is much to suggest that, some of which I have detailed on the page of this site that is devoted specifically to that subject.
For a brief synopsis, here are a few key points: The generation or induction of ectoplasm in the body may concern states of oxygen deprivation, and any situations that may require biological transmutation between the neighboring elements oxygen and nitrogen. Nitrogen itself may more easily enter a quantum state at room temperature, and therefore is facile enough in that part of ectoplasmic process to have almost become synonymous with ectoplasm over the ages.
Ectoplasm may be, at least partially, quantum matter, or atoms existing in a state where they possess Einstein-Bose statistics, and like other particles of that nature, such as light, may not be so rigidly fixed, and possess certain physical attributes that may make them much more readily manipulated if not multiplied.
We should also know that with such a scientific understanding will come our ability to synthesize the effect technologically.
Finally, ectoplasm is likely to have been rather synonynmous in ancient symbols with significant sources of smaller molecules of nitrogen, and one of them is fish.
Now let's go back to Mars for a minute where the two dolphins still await us amiably...
Richard Hoagland actually devotes some pages in this book, "The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever", not only to the question of where the water and the oxygen went on a Mars that seemingly could have harbored life, but where all of the nitrogen went...
And the dolphin, an animal we also recognize and weaving in and out from not so deeply under the surface of the water, does this nitrogen symbol, this particular one, tell us what Richard Hoagland has long hoped, that the nitrogen remains on Mars, not so deeply under the surface?...
Or even that it does so at the beck and call of periodic events in the planetary forces which the Martian artifacts so eloquently call attention to, with perhaps only the slightest deliberate intervention?
Are there consistent patterns appearing to form here?
Meanwhile, back on earth, masters of chi, a geomantical force, have long demonstrated mystical effects comparable to those involving the mastery of ectoplasm. It may even be that any distinction between the two is often arbitrary.
And of course we have here lightly touched on the subject of transmutation of elements, a science with enormous potentials in terrestrializing Mars, something we can hardly escape from any more that we can escape the myths of Mars himself, with his iron and steel implying for us the composition of the Martian planet, and the fumes from his forge implying for us the composition of the Martian atmosphere. (It's in fact a planet where methods of separating iron from oxygen as they stand integrated at present, may liberate breathable air while furnishing familiar industries with familiar materials).
In fact, however, if Mars was once earth-like, the surprising abundance of sulfur found in the Martian soil may not have necessarily come from volcanic activity, as opposed to from a catalyzed fusion of oxygen, a type of process which, according to physics such as those put forth by Tom Bearden, who recieves Hoagland's respect and admiration, may be reversible. In other words, it looks like a great deal of message of the Martian artifacts, when considered along with our own earthly sacred sites, put together with our mysticism and mystical science, is hinting at, or even telling us, enough to give us the power to not only turn Mars back into a habitable, earth-like planet, but how we can harness the anomalous energies of perhaps whatever planets we so desire, to do the same.
Will magick and the magickal science give us a home on Mars? In addition to a number of other cards from Crowley's "Thoth" tarot that seem to anticipate the issues derived from the Martian monuments, is this card, which bears so many resemblances to a graphic version of the question, "What will we do for water on Mars?", that quite possibly intends the reddish planet in the background to convey Mars to us, and replete with a hint of the sacred geometry related to the predictable locations of uprisings of natural forces.
Not ironically I assume, the seven-pointed star, modified from the eleven-pointed star of the Ryder version of this card, conjures notions of correspondence to the element with an atomic weight of seven, nitrogen.
While even in the course of describing this card in the accompanying manual, much as other "secrets" that the Thoth has contained, Crowley does little to describe such meanings.
On the other hand, the part of the text for this card which is most easily comprehensible to the average person reads as follows:
"It will be seen that every form of energy in this picture is spiral. Zoroaster says, 'God is he, having the head of a hawk; having a spiral force.' It is interesting to notice that this oracle appears to anicipate the present Aeon, that of the hawk-headed Lord, and also of the mathematical conception of the Universe as calculated by Einstien and his school. It is only in the lower cup that the forms of energy issuing forth show rectilinear characteristics. In this may be discovered the docrine which asserts that the blindness of humanity to all the beauty and wonder of the universe is due to this illusion of straightness. It is significant that Reimann, Bolyai and Lobatchewsky seem to have been the mathematical prophets of the New Revelation. For the Euclidean geometry depends upon the conception of straight lines, and it was only because the Parallel Postulate was found to be incapable of proof that mathematicians becan to concieve that the straight line had no true correspondence with reality".
Do these sound like the words of a man who is not immensely familiar with the sciences in question, in addition to his familiarity with the symbolism in which he is equally fluent and far more often expressed?
Besides the obvious parallels in other traditions besides Zoroastrianism of a vortical creative intelligence, including some outstandingly idiosyncratic parts of the Bible, is Crowley here making a promotion of the science of projective geometry with his literal and unveiled expressions, or something at which we have yet to successfully guess?
In the long run, however, the overall context of the symbolism here, is exactly that which communicates the basic chemical problems of Mar's inhabitability, and the references to vorticular effects only highlight what in the end we all can hope, that the vorticular science to come from the study of the Martian artifacts is that same science that can be mastered to create and maintain an earth-like world there, and elsewhere.
Perhaps the preparations for the first manned mission to Mars have been going on for a considerable length of time, or considering that the ancients seem to have devoted more thought and effort than we have yet to, who do we think that it was who might have built those structures up there already, using our familiar and sacred human symbols?
It may be the ultimate message of all of these ancient signposts, to steer us away from the folly of searching and searching the universe for earth-like planets, and toward the wisdom of creating hospitable planets wherever we choose... and this is but a fraction of the vision of inventor Nikola Tesla's genius.
It isn't even so outlandish anymore when we wonder exactly where all of these flourishing ancient geniuses went, to think that they went "out there", and left the terrestrial and Martian artifacts as a forwarding address on a cosmic scale. We are doubtlessly within a thousand, or more likely several hundred, years from the capability to that very thing ourselves, and perhaps they expected we may find finally the impetus to rise to the occasion properly, thinking that we may have closer brothers and sisters amongst the stars than "E.T."
The great puzzle of the solar system that has begun with observing Mars, that isn't so much telling us that the leys and sacred sites are great places to try to duplicate the manifestions of mystic masters, or to contact the departed, but perhaps that this is telling us in order to fully grasp the message of the Martian physics, we may have to fully grasp the physics of the supernatural. Will this be the same physics as the feats of the miraculous Palingenics Phoenix? Will this physics allow us to visit the sites on Mars within our lifetimes? Will it provide for us the things we, as humans, will need once we get there? Will it be the atomic precessional science of time reveral that enables us to turn back the geological clock on planets whose earth-like days may have come and gone, or the mastery of how to intervene in this process of atomic control, and "turn back the clock" to earth-like days that had never before existed on those worlds?
We have nearly come full circle. We have tied the face on Mars to the legendary seeker of the Holy Grail, to the mysteries of the Orient, and to our own beloved fairy tales.
This will be the measure of our health as a people- how willing will we be to insist that our libraries, public and private, accommodate the fullest sets of these tales in case, as is very likely, out of them should leap some set of secrets on which the fate of the entire human race, as an earthbound and as a star-faring race alike, will eventually depend?
How willing will we be to express collective outrage that such priceless materials should ever for a moment experience the tragedy of being out of print and unavailable due to lack of demand?
There are still many things about Dragons that we haven't considered here; there is an ancient future still waiting to be fully reborn.
We know the game; there are more twists of the words "San Greal" awaiting us, some which may rightly describe the blood-red planet which gazes at us now. But soon, alongside this hope of a Grail in the sky, will come the work that tells us that the Bloodline of Christ was from Mars, and the National Examiner will announce it is the face of Christ on Mars, and having already announced Elvis Presley's face appearing there, will announce that Elvis and Christ were one and the same...
We know better, though, there is a line, and a limit to the credulity and faith we should invest. We will call, if we choose, The Big Dipper our Grail, and persist until it is ours. We've seen the Martian Geometry in this decade, and the similar grandeur and scope of the accomplishments of the Templars; we won't settle for the Holy Grail being merely Christ the man or the bloodline of his descendants, Martian or otherwise. We've seen the Martian Geometry in this decade, the key to the solar system, and the similar grandeur and scope of the accomplishments of the Templars, and we know something even bigger is afoot here.
We won't be persuaded to sell ourselves short or settle for less, and most of all we shouldn't, because we are already holding the Holy Grail, and as we look into its reflective contents, we must be aware of the age-old wisdom, "what you see, is what you get". If it is citizenship of the universe we desire, that is what we must see. Contrary to popular opinion and public denials, what we are looking at, even skeptics can see as well. Faith has become science.
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Visitors since Dec 24, 1998
...For the May Day is the Great Day, strung along the Old Straight Track,
and those whom ancient lines did lay, will heed the song that calls them back..."
Jethro Tull, "Cup of Wonder", from the album, "Songs from the Wood"
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