To those returning, I've divided this page into two smaller ones because of the size, the number of images, and the need to accmodate those with challenged browsers and servers. Links to Part Two are at the bottom of this page. to get around? My, what there isn't, microwave motors
to cars that run on methane from food scraps from restaurants,
just throw some in the tank in the trunk (The latter was actually
in use by it's Idaho inventor, probably over a decade ago)... and
all those battery operated cars we're promised a hundred times
every year as far back as I can remember... Promises, promises. I
still like the ones that run on water, splitting water into
hydrogen and oxygen (jet fuels)... maybe your catalytic converter
is in the wrong place? With any luck, you'll be hearing about this last one as a car that runs on "cold fusion", and then it will probably peter out with the rest of them unless you're terribly enterprising in your own garage... They're not going to do these things for you, no matter what they've been telling you for decades, this by now is obvious...
But personally, I'd rather get around on my broom. Okay, so I'd be too chicken to fly... but if you think all that stuff about witches flying on their brooms is some kind of joke, I'd examine the literature very carefully! Aleister Crowley, a very wise man and great scholar (let's stay out of his personal life here, ok?) once said that the force which moves a dowsing rod back and forth will someday take man to the stars (The Book of Thoth). (I'd like it if it would just get me across town, really.) You disprove it, o doubting ones, please. Dowsing has been "legitimized" into science. Last I looked, researchers were looking for Noah's Ark using such a device, featuring a "Molecular Frequency Oscillator". The rods swept back and forth, and all of it was the same as dowsing except the circuit and the power supply.
And of course who can count the people over the last ten decades who theorized that dowsing had "something" to do with magnetism and magnetic feilds...
Now, considering how many woodcuts show a witch's broom as simply a forked stick, which is exactly what so many working dowsing rods have been, possible role as interferometers aside for a minute... One of my favorite topics on e-mail lists is what might be the special properties of certain woods that they (make that, "we") used, rather traditionally.
One of a great many woodcuts of witches on simple forked brooms.
Not only do instructions for witches' brooms, or besoms, invariably call for a binding of twigs of specific woods to a staff of a specific wood with willow binding...
Woods such as this are long noted for their affinities for attracting or repelling electicity, often being called for in lightning charms and other weather magick, just as we may note that at Glastonbury ring, the normal magickal charm property of Hawthorn has been inverted, probably by the continued presence of high-frequency electrical magick at the ancient site, just as such sites have also been reported to accomplish another high-frequency electrical effect, levitation, on unsuspecting visitors.
The venerated Hawthorn trees, which are esteemed for warding off lightning, at Glastonbury have reportedly required the installation of lightning arresters because of how often this group of trees has attracted lightning rather than repelled it.
Not coincidentally, besides the physiological affinity of the willow with water, and a chemistry probably not at all remote from substances used in modern laboratories to induce effects of invisibility, exceedingly few amongst probably countless Native American stories which involve magickal flight, are there any which do not have a flying contrivance made of "ossier", another name for willow.
Virtally any collection of Native American stories is likely to contain such a tale.
Also on a chemical note, and a place for a word of great caution, is the matter of flying oinments. Most of the recipes for witches' flying ointments are potentially deadly, and as is demonstrated here, unnecessary.
Whatever form of flying is being sought, literal, or the figurative flying of out-of body experience, there are many safe herbs in modern magickal herbals, and a categorical look at the herbs may also be helpful, many might achieve their effects of promoting actual flying by various actions on the nervous systems.
Out-of-body flying can easily be aided by safe herbs like Mugwort or Dittany of Crete made into tea or placed near the bed or under the pillow. Many "dream pillows" contain herbs which can be of great assistance.
Herbs like henbane, belladonna, nightshade, and foxglove have categorical anaesthetizing effects, but can easily be replaced by a great number of safer materials.
Such herbs are known to experienced and knowledgable witches and herbalists as agents that should be handled with the greatest of caution, and handling them bare-handed is to be avoided, let alone saturating one's skin!
Margot Adler's classic, "Drawing Down the Moon" contains at least one sobering, if understated, warning about this.
While some looking into the occult properties of lipids which are the bases of flying ointments is certainly in order. Probably diffraction of gravity by liquid crystals is amongst the relevant issues, which not only concerns the lipids in the ointments, but may pertain to the curious optical properties of calcite, the mineral selected for the base of Tutankhamen's nebris, shown below on this page.
In other words, the ointments may help, and may not need herbs at all for real flying, but above all else we can't rule out that these potentially lethal recipes were actually concocted during the hysteria of the witch trials by enemies of witches, hoping that the witch or would-be witch would do themselves in and spare their persecutors the trouble of a trial!
But of course my favorite broomstick is what appears to be a witch's broom from the Treasures of Tetankhamen, called a "nebris". Looks like a very nice gizmo to me... Is that a waveguide flange on a skin effect inductor coil self-driving a phase locked loop, is it? Something like that. Something ingenious and profound. The tip looks very much like something off a satellite dish. Little wonder that Tutankhamen's official title of office was "Kheperunebre", Keeper of the Nebris? It looks to me like they even found a seat that goes on it, a squared "U" shaped thing, basically. Looks a little more battery-operated, like someone figured out how to tap the ionic charge on the cyclic oxygen in the anthocyanin pigment molecule that might be in the jar on the end, (such as comes from the flowers of almost all plants on earth that do not contain carotene-type floral pigments; one reason the blue water lily may be so celebrated in ancient Egyptian art is this) possibly in a way that enables superconductivity.
Such material is frequently found in ancient Egyptian jars, and conveniently dismissed by suggesting that the lotus was merely employed "ritually", in some manner that suggests they were nothing more than superstitious drug fiends, since the genus Nymphaea contains, probably insignificant amounts of, aporphinoid material.
One contraindication of this is the well-noted ethnobotanical use of Nymphaea as a food. Famine foods would rarely if ever be comprised of possibly addictive hallucinogens if they were in significant quantity in Nympheae to represent an agent of possible abuse.
At other times, these relics are dismissed merely as "paint pots".
Additional searches of the web might get you a more images of the nebris (but don't hold your breath, I had to scan this myself because I've spent months looking for any image of the nebris on the web, and be advised, I've found out your searching may go better if you look up "Emblem of Anubis" rather than "nebris", although either phrase might bring up some interesting facts.
Also please be advised that I don't have much assurance that our knowledge of whether the original has a right or left handed coil may now be muddled by the kind of liberties that archaelogical authors ought to suffer infamy for. Some persons may have decided along the way that details don't matter, but it "looked better" if they reversed the photograph, even though the nebris is sometimes portrayed in art with both helicities, as shown below
Here at right is the photo from the initial discovery, with Howard Carter's original numbering of the artifacts, with the squared "U" shaped artifact that is likely to be a seat for the nebris found right next to it. (The nebris is #194 and the saddle is #193).
The premise for the presence of oars, of course, seems rather dubious, but of course the purposeful ancients very likely did indeed place them there for a reason.
The purpose may be to illustrate to the discoverer that the nebris is like a boat, i.e., that it is a vehicle.
The ancient Egyptian "Ship of Heaven" is found in some renditions in forms that suggest the same technology was applied to a number of Egyptian boats, often with tets or djed (batteries) toward either end, suggesting various electro-magnetic propulsion strategies, such as those proposed by Stanton Friedman.
The fact that bread was handled with paddles or oars may illustrate that the way of making and/or energizing the nebris may be in part something that resembles o pertains to the baking of bread, such as that one end be placed in proximity to a source of heat, since the oars were extended into ovens to introduce or removes loaves of bread.
They may alternately imply a method of actuation involving partial submersion in water, as the oars of a normal boat.
The purpose may also be, appropriate to the number of various kinds of witches' brooms of various degrees of ornamentation and complexity, to suggest to the discoverer that such a lavish contrivance as "Tutankhamen's" (Tetankhamen's) nebris is not necessary to achieve the goal of motion or flight.
Indeed, other sources assert that the nebris is exactly this, a predecessor of later witches' brooms, identifies a number of Egyptian artifacts as besoms or witches' brooms, such as various objects said by historians to be "fans". Hence, in the hands of the wise, the oars themselves may also suffice as besoms.
Although gold is very common amongst royal artifacts, in this case and in this context, gold may have been used to suggest superconductivity though the fact that gold is a high conductivity material, as well as suiting the task of gilding by the nebris by being highly malleable.
More versions of the nebris or "pied bull" from Egyptology works. I have reversed the image (center left, bottom row) from one of Budge's works so that it is right side up.
The image in the bottom row at center right is from a mural detailing plants introduced from Egyptian expeditions, and may stylistically denote a introduced plant which is significant to the concerns of the nebris.
The brooms with human arms (Egyptian symbol for certain electromagnetic forces) at upper right appears in other places and seem misregarded as "standards".
At bottom right, the tet is associated with the vacuum-tube-like object, which in this scene is lacking the impression of open cavitation. The columns at furthest left and right may be yet another form of the djed or tet.
The image at left in the bottom row is a curious one, one of the stronger connections between the nebris and bovine animals. This curious vignette may imply that the nebris may use forces such as muons (heavy electrons) for it's magnetic properties, may show us a flow of particles that happens when the nebris is in use, and may, at the same time, almost incredibly, be a predecessor of some curious magick by which witches were notorious for magickally producing milk, of which the details and the woodcuts seem like strikingly similar science, and may involve wood magnetized by bacterial depositing of magnetic minerals.
The creators of the nebris may have whimsically decided to give it the power not only of moving itself in relationship to its environment, but of moving atoms of its environment in relationship to itself- that is, of electrochemically synthesizing rudimentary nourishment, believe it or not.
Such miraculous things, however, are mild as far as shamanism, Theosophy, or many other mystical traditions are concerned. More evidence of such Egyptian feats can be found on the pages of this site.
Such mammilian affiliations may also help explain the association of nebrises and besoms with maternal goddesses such as Tlazlteotl, seen below in this page.
Being one of those who'd rather put wheels on it and stay on the ground, I couldn't help but notice a lot of old chariots seem like they have designs that might not work as they were said to, interesting choices of woods sometimes, and most often with a dowing fork at the end, and it all makes me wonder if the strange statements about all ancient Roman roads being built over water (sounds like someone was dowsing for sure!) means that the force that moves a dowsing rod used to move a lot of people.
So why is there all this ancient artwork showing horse pulling chariots? Maybe because it's pretty funny if it never happened... and that would be typical of them, or any culture who left us a lavish legacy of travesty and tricksters (the ancient Egyptians are regarded as notorious for their use of puns)...
But because they zoomorphocized the forces of nature, and, finding similarities between animals and energies, used the appropriate symbol to indicate the appropriate force.
Electricity that spat and hissed and bit and numbed became depicted as cats or snakes; magnetic feilds for similar and numerous reasons became birds. The fabulous pharonic headress with a vulture and a viper together is as likely to symbolize the upper and lower "kingdoms" of electicity and magnetism as the kingdoms of upper and lower Egypt.
Heavy particles, such as the muons that are associated with the magnetization of non-magnetic materials, such as that which would turn brooms and sticks into magnetic levitation devices would be symbolized by large or massive animals: hippopotami, bulls, and of course, horses... This, of course, to differentiate them from ordinary ferromagnetic effect. Additionally, certain of these larger creatures may have noted affinities with water, such as the hippopotami, or the horse, (possibly by way of preposterously lingering proverbial expressions, or simply by being better suited than the camel who may not as easily suffer from thirst as the horse, nor as notably frequent the watering hole) which render them more eloquent symbols of these concerns and those such as hydromagnetics, which may be more appropriate as an element explaining dowsing, and forms the core concept in the spacecraft design created for NASA by
Alan Holt many years ago.
The incredible manueverability of Holt's design suggests that sightings of "UFOs" with great manueverability are in fact Holt's design actually having been built and tested by various branches of the government.
Book after book features artifacts labelled chariot hitches, many of them appear so impossibly flimsy that it is indeed hard to imagine horses ever hitched to them for a minute. Often, they are made of certain woods, even unlikely ones, which may be explicable and sensible choices only view of the traditional materials of besoms, and their roles and attributes.
We have the good fortune of a mural from the reign of Akhenatun that not only shows him in his chariot pulled by "horses", but shows the rays of the sun, Aten, streaming down. What is implied is what has long been noted by modern radiesthesists and persons like Burr and Heironymous, who observe that the reflected energies of underground water that are perceived by dowsers change with the position of various celestial bodies, and of course there is much more. The particular configuration may also have been able to harness the energy of the sun more directly by developing upon the afore-mentioned relationship, which seems in accord with the cumulative tone of artwork from this period.
The vignette from Akhenatun's reign also shows a tiny, impossibly small and bent figure, supposedly his child, guiding the horses. Rather, this mural is likely to imply a "genius" or "genie" within the chariot, an indicator that it is not only charged with various energies, but charged in such a way that it subsequently possesses aspects of discerning or rudimentary artificial intelligence, a technique that is also far from unheard of.
Akhenatun's chariot: Is the tiny figure really the royal daughter, and if so, why are her lower limbs and torso missing even when Akhenatun's legs are seen through the chariot? Instead, she appears to be the chariot. Is this what the broader evidence implies, that this an anthopomorphicising of animation and artificial intelligence or "genie" that the object's induced magnetic feild is charged, or "programmed" that it is capable of guiding itself or performing other critical, "intelligent" functions?
Although similar renditions of Akhenatun's children are in fact found, they may yet prove to be studies in occult science, perhaps further forms of the "ptolemies" which Khem fashions on the potter's wheel. Things are seldom what they appear to be at first glance in these complex ancient riddles.
An alabaster boat from Tutankhamen's treasures, which could easily be a good example of the ancient levitating ships. The columns would be a rare form, but they may indeed well be tets or djeds, ancient Egyptian wireless batteries of which numerous examples are found, setting up magnetic feild propulsion, perhaps working in unison through the cancellation of opposite poles.
In this case, Howard Wachpress levitator effects may arise through certain configurations that depend on the actual details of magnetized parts, creating numbers of magnetic poles or nodes against an even number, or a perhaps remarkably complex and still-unsuspected method could be at work.
A closer look would also reveal that the box in the center of the boat is decorated with alternating designs of the fan, possibly a nebris or besom itself, and the nebris shaft!
The (Syrian) ibex may have been used as an icon, probably like the goat, because the horns are suggestive of vortex shapes or perhaps the vortex forms that are associable with quantum statistical transmutations and superconductivity. In this case the figure may also form an actual electromagnetic instrument.
While the meaning of the figure remains mysterious (it is though by scholars to represent princess Mutnedjmet), it may prove that this, one of a number of similar examples, in pointing a stethoscope-like instrument near the heart, is a design that in some way monitors the vital signs of its passengers, and will decelerate if someone aboard is frightened, with their heart racing.
Such a capacity could be programmed into the magnetic feild effects, or accomplished though such a device as shown, perhaps involving accoustic interferometry. It is not at all unlike what we would idealize for integrating computers with cars, for such applications as a car that could automatically decellerate, pull over, and stop safely, if it's driver were to suddenly become unconcious, and there are a number of ways to impliment it's being able to recognize such a situation.
Such programmed discerning is both easily possible, and desirable for the sake and safety of both the passenger and pedestrians he may encounter, and actually can be found in today's simplest electronic circuits, whose most fundamental categorizations are the simple but impressive functions of artificial intellegence, "sense", "act" and "decide".
They took all the trees
and put them in a tree museum,
And they charged all the people
a dollar and a half just to see 'em
Don't it always seem to go
that you don't know what you've got
'till it's gone?
They paved paradise
and put up a parking lot."
Joni Mitchell, "Big Yellow Taxi"