Chronos Apollonios' "Home on Olympus"
These are more of the images that I've located and isolated in the original images, largely from Magellan images MG 0001 through MG 0033. Any details in image information that have been will hopefully be, and should be, forthcoming as soon as possible, but can be successfully derived from a working server with ease, given the series or image number, the latter of which also describes the geographical coordinates.
Once again, please have patience with these pages, not only because they are not as a rule arranged with best images first, but because they require and deserve considerable attention. I spent half the day today having to start all over with the descriptions because they objects do not jump out at me even when I have seen them before, and had the memorable joy of thinking that I had found them for perhaps the first time to help me remember these details. If the feature described isn't immediately obvious, don't give up.
The "twin face of Anubis", for a working title, from the Ammavaru image that was previosly mentioned.
The source image has been very troublesome to enhance evenly, the extra contrast on the face on the right was added with the Photo Express paintbrush, after having been practiced on another unnatural looking subject at upper left.
It would have better to enhance two seperate images, especially since at least one of them also seems to have several layers of complexity (including interlocking double tetrahedra) that could have been enhanced in a way appropriate to the particular one, but this extraction gives a better sense of the continuity and symmetry of the pair.
Apologetically, this is still a hard one to make heads or tails of for certain, and comes from a source image of which the same can be said, in fact it's proven in some ways to be the most difficult to work with, although there are many obvious unnatural objects that have already been easily identified from this image, some of them appear on the previous "Monuments of Venus" pages here.
At left: From Magellan image F20N080, this appears to be more of a combination of an ankh and triangle than a balance outright, but it still makes the point very well.
At right: Another detail from Magellan image F20N080, I'm not going to try to tell you this is a face, in spite of the fact that's its seems like a preposterously unnatural and deliberate positioning of smaller objects within a triangle, or that it seems to have "just so happened" that the data got fuzzy when the sweep got to the left eye.
How about I tell you that over the top of the head may be yet another balance design? I'm pretty sure that's what it is.
They don't all leap out of the picture and bite you on the foot, and they're not all so impossibly huge as to show up easily in the images, but it is still like shooting fish in a barrel to find them...
The "Star-tholus" I am calling this for want of a better name, a detail from F20N080. The Martian tholus is a key feature in helping support the features on Mars, because of the correspondence between the Martian tholus and its neighbors to Silbury hill and its neighbors on earth, which was discussed in Richard Hoagland's "third Mars video", "The Terrestrial Connection", and David Percy's hard to find book, "Two-Thirds".
It's hard to pick out perfect pentagonal geometry in the "star-like" features at the top, but they're considerably close.
How about we settle for this: on top of this tholus there is the same "hourglass, no wait it's a pyramid" trick that has occured several times previously in this collection of images?
That, and there's a huge triangular topped ankh carved into the left side of the mound in this image.
Then, we can move on to the features in the foreground from the very top of the mound, the circular feature that fits almost too neatly too believe within the spirals of the tholus, and then that little thing above it in the image. Is it a face? It's looked like one through many attempts to bring out all of the details in this set of objects. Not that I'll try to tell you that it is one, although it seems to have all the symmetry of one. The ankh should be convincing enough of artifices here, if you ask me, espeically when you consider that in the original image, there is a more conventional ankh perfectly placed over a triangle-square combination not far to the left, in a cluster of objects and patterns that seems quite obvious in nature.
At immediate left is a detail from F25S355 with another balance.
Before anyone makes these last two images of the "Star Tholus" an example of the transient nature of what is in these photos, consider that these might be a very good example that you can obscure things in the images and reveal things in images with these techniques, but you're not that apt to create anything that isn't there.
Michael Bara's primer on Image Enhancement at the Enterprise Mission site is recommended.
The image at upper left does hoever succeed in its intended purpose of making the traingle-headed ankh and the general hourglass atop the "Star Tholus" to be obviously apparent.
At left upper: the afore mentioned detail from Magellan image F25S355, showing several more of the balances that are harder to spot, although you should be able to make out yet another Anubis face. At immediate left is a highlighted version pointing out the forms observed here; the top angles of the Anubis enclosure are all of it that is highlighted, the face is immediately below it.
Enclosed this time in what is probably those pentagons that are a forbidden five-symmetry in the natural formation of mineral shapes: Science says up front that this is not supposed to be happening naturally (You should see what scientist Roger Penrose came up with a few years ago to get away with a five-fold symmetry! Ouch!)
A balance at right in this image has the "s-shape" of the balances in the grandest occurence of them, shown in detail in Part Two of "The Monuments of Venus".
An inverted detail from MG 0007 F35S090 showing a central feature resembling one previously shown, a pentagonal form centered on a circular form with unnaturally straight and bisecting lines. It is "that close" to being a pentacle in the best images I can derive, and it may be hyperdimensional geometry.
I have inverted the derivate because there is a "face" to the right of it here right side up, that is much like the Cydonia face on Mars- what might be trying to pass itself off as a horseshoe crater instead can be taken to have a modified Egyptian headdress.
What is particularly encouraging that to me I should want to include it here is because it appears, at least, that in this case the face has been made of the balance, using the bowls for the eyes and the stand for the nose.
A detail from an original of the Lavinia region that came from the Venus Images Lists.
At right another detail of the same subject in which you can see the intriguingly artificial-looking feature just to the left of the gap in the data, at the bottom.
In either, you can see at upper left in the image, the odd looking tower that seems to appear, but one reason the image at left is here, is that there is yet another balance in that image, at the top, just to the right of center.
It seems to be yet another where the right arm of the balance is missing but the left triangle sits at the corner of a larger triangle, the third or fourth time this exact thing has been seen here, although the striation of the triangle may be the only major variable. It may not be the only that a balance in that image, either. Another candidate may be at right in the image.
Another image from this same source has yeilded an image of a tower astonishingly similar to the tower in the Martian South Polar city image by Liz Edwards that may have been identified with at least one mysterious black topped white tower of the Templars. It's of course yet another thing that would be extremely hard to mistake a natural formation for.
This is a detail from the Magellan Images series, MG 0019.
A balance can be seen in the upper section, and there's apparent superimposition of repetition particularly on the left side, where another striated triangle can be seen to the left of a traingle that hangs straight from the arms.
The ring in the center of the bar of the balance is rougly in the center of the very top of the image; the arms point downwards and may again be used to frame an imperfect pentagon, similar to the Cydonia D&M Pyramid. To the left of this you can see what appears to be a pyramid nestled into a crevice.
There is also an interesting winding detail in the background on the right, and part of a very interesting form in the foreground at right.
A closer inspection reveals the astonishing detail of having an hourglass form on the right side of its front slope, and other odd details become more apparent here.
The appearance of some structures, possibly towers or columns begin to appear, including forming the stand of the balance.
There's also some of the now familiar Venusian vegetal scrolling toward the bottom of the stand.
Other artificial details directly below the center of the balance may become apparent on even closer inspection.
It's actually a striking image in its own right when seen in it's own glory, and perhaps I shouldn't "spoil" that by wondering if the extremely symmetrical object within the left triangle of the balance isn't an aircraft we lost in the Bermuda triangle. Some of us don't like to think of such things, in spite of the fact that many of our more brilliant minds would not automatically rule that out so easily. It would be far more ordinary than what Einstien's amazing pupil, David Bohm, has advised us to expect out of black holes. "Don't be surprised if you see one flash a Pepsi sign" he once told Omni magazine. According to this highly respected and emminent scientist, physics can indeed be that strange.
Another detail from an image in Magellan image series MG 0010. I'll admit it, I thought I saw a skull. For shame. What did I find when I followed it? Is that yet another balance? How many is that now, is anyone counting? Twelve? Hmmm...
And yes, it's still more demonstration of the same principle that launched the amazing collection of scientific proof of the Cydonia artifacts- something looked sort of like a face, and above all, it called attention to its neighboring objects.
Most of the items in these images were found the same way. The other method has been to start with clusters of squares, which is responsible the location of practically all the other objects shown in these pages.
Did gremlins live on Venus? Get real. I wouldn't try to tell you that. Everyone's entitled to contrive a few boogey-men when they're doodling. What concerns me most here about the face-like image immediately at right is that deliberate traingulation of the boulders within the confines of the enclosure neatly placed on the chin of this creature, and a number of the features around it. There may indeed be a whole city here in the source image. This is a detail from the series MG0010.
Other enlargements of this area have been omitted here, but there appear to be many forms in this area worthy of closer study. I'm particulary intruiged at the moment with the regular, "beaded" appearance of the feature to the right of the "face".
This image makes an important emphasis of the fact that we needn't only be on the search for human face forms, nor realistic ones. Certainly, the forms of the balance have enjoyed numerous stylization, and the mysterious creators of these possible artworks must be granted artistic license.
"It doesn't look like a human face" may not be the most legitimate of objections to the possible nature of these, and many other possible artifacts yet to be noted in these images. Some images having no more than the silhoutte shape have shown bilateral symmetry to the degree that the chance they are natural occurances is probably at least moderately astronomical, and this doesn't count the even greater unlikelihood of finding other proximal objects that are even more compellng.
Visitors since Feb 27, 1999