Chronos Apollonios' "Home on Olympus"
Here are more derivatives from the original set of Magellan images MG 0001 through MG 0033 from the Magellan Image Server ( Some of these you may have to squint at, or do further image processing yourself, to make out the details, if you're not particularly patient.
Mere days, not the appropriate years, have been put into this effort thus far, and some lack of convincing images in accord with that fact obviously occurs.
Hopefully I, or someone, will make better englargements or enhancements of these objects available shortly.
On the other hand, many of them speak for themselves, even to a skeptic like myself, and you could easily have a better eye than mine. Most people do.
Hopefully, the Magellan Image Server will soon return to functioning, so you can more easily verify the authenticity of these derivates compared to the source images for yourself, and perhaps explore some of the remaining images.
The Rumors Are Still Flying...(But we're still keeping a sense of humor...)![]() ![]() Rumour four: "The mind superimposes symbols on meaningless objects". False. Well, we definitely are looking at symbols, it may be true I've seen things in Rorshach tests that I don't feel sharing, but even the other person shown here who should know better than anyone that "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar" but sometimes isn't (speak for yourself, Siggy), has failed to locate any of his favorite objects in the "meaningless" NASA images. "Zere is no p*n*s on Venus", bemoans Sigmund Freud, extremely disappointed. That's right! Absolutely right! Give the man a cigar!!! Er, um... not you, Mr. Clinton, sir... |
Here in the left image is the papyrus design mentioned in part 11 of this series from Magellan image MG 0033 F20N080. It is not perfectly symmetrical, but the symmetry is nonetheless very compelling. The object isn't alone. To it's right, and detailed in the frame at upper right, is the Venusian "Stonehenge" (see previous page). There's probably a good degree of similarity between whole parts of Stonehenge's centric circles and the lower circle on the left here, while the one adjacent to it, above and right, has an extention of a spiral that has rather uncanny straightness in parallel lines. There are traces of at least one possible balance behind it, althought the features are a bit more difficult to pin down, and very possibly because more than one pattern has been superimposed upon another, as in many other previous instances. The far part of the rectangle fuses with another group of geometries, confined by a trapeziod, whose center features a design that implies this is another balance, and there is the top bar of yet anotherbalance behind it. Again, we have pattern, repetition and other features that either indicate the articial nature of these forms, or forces we may yet have no conception of whatsoever.
(It has of course been the case that object after object in these images contains the five-fold symmetry which is almost absolutely forbidden according to the rules or principles pertaining to the forms of minerals. One the basis of known conventional science, any of these should immediately be suspect of deliberate and artificial origin.)
Notice also the stikingly square object in the upper right hand corner, aligned with a pyramidal one.
At left is a closer detail of the rear circle of the "Stonehenge" pair. Some of the complex background details here may be clearer.
Some versions of this image not presently appearing on this page have shown what seems clearly enough to be a balance bowl with a fish design superimposed on it, a theme that may have also appeared in in a previous image of the balance in Part Two of "The Monuments of Venus", in the main image with the "damaged" straited triangle. If there is sufficient repetition of this theme, although it is scarce in ancient Egyptian art, it may identify the largest "defect" in the earlier image as an intentional use of a fish symbol.
The meaning of such a symbol might be projected along several lines of thought regarding the use of the fish and the balance as symbols that have appeared on the pages of this site.
Another version of the papyrus complex from MG 0033 F20N080. In this image it almost looks as if the reason the papyrus is not perfectly symmetrical is because there is a huge, curved piece of... something... in front of it. You can nonetheless with careful inspection, see the fact that the delicate detail of the spiral at the extreme of the branching that appears at left, is symmetrically repeated on the right side. An image has yet to be devoted to bringing out that single feature.
This balance from another image in the Magellan MG 0033 series is detectable, but the right side is not only apparently absent as in some of the others, but almost seem to be obscured by... something... and it shouldn't be clouds, these are radar images, not optical ones.
Note that in the above images, though there is that odd "fog" that obscures anything on the right, at the upper left hand corner is an artifact that may have a clearer face than any other seen before- it would probably do a Buddha proud- and appears not as a face but as whole head, lying flat pointing right and looking up.
A left, rotated, an image from Magellan MG 0033, with the same theme as seen in Part Two of "The Monuments of Venus", the balance with the right arm rather obscure but with the triangle over the left bowl extended as part of a larger triangle.
It appears that a straight line extended to the right from the bottom of the triangle would "just so happen" to touch the tip of an object as worthy as any of examination for "tetrahedral arcology", and other significant objects may be indicated by the such extension of the geometry.
The larger image in this instance certainly seem worth of much more study.
Here is the ankh from the image with the papyrus (above) and the Venusian "Stonehenge" (above and previous page) set perfectly into a triangle within in a rectangle. The bottom part is even more convincing because it's made of at least three circular or boulder-like objects which simply should not be occuring in a straight line like this in nature.
The triangle's geometry extends in the geometry of a triagular spiral, and, remarkably, another triangle extends down from the rear of the rectangle here.
The double tetrahedra or "Star of David" is only one of the traingular-based geometric forms which may soon be firmly established to be artificially present here.
A larger view, of course, from the same image from the 33rd set of Magellan images, series MG 0033 F20N080.
The triangular features are more visible, although there is not yet the appearance of a balance that integrates the "hourglass" form here as there appears to be in some images of the complex atop the "Venusian Tholus".
Here, you can see that to the right of the ankh, at center of the lower part of the ankh beneath its arms, there is an apparent circle of sharply straight objects, looking very much like what might be a circle of columns, some still intact, or other Stonehenge-like features placed in patterned alignment and deliberately placed with regular periodicity. In other words, another "Henge", an obvious one appears by the ankh, and helps us corroborate that the Venusian "Stonehenge" really is exactly that- A Venusian "Stonehenge". How about "Ankh-henge" for a working title?
Here is another detail from the Venusian "Stonehenge", from MG 0033 F20N080 of the parallel "entranceway" that spirals into the second circe at the rear of the other.
pne of the balances that seems to occur in this immediate area, here seems to be appreciably clear in this enlargement, clear enought to recognize with relative ease.
There do indeed appear to be more of them behind this one in other versions.
There appears to be a possible towering, centered object at upper left in the image.
There are hints of many items here that merit further study, and especially if you consider that this single source image is so compelling just considering of it what is apparent, that if it genuine, it is almost irresistable evidence.
A detail of another image from the first 33 Magellan series. A regular triangle alone is interesting, but it is part of an unfinished trapeziod, or another larger triangle that is "capped" roughly as the Great Pyramid is, also without the cap.
Normally I wouldn't even care to point to what it is that reminds me of a face, but it happens to somehow align appreciably perfect along the center axis of this form, and what is more that most improbably alignment is repeated again right above it, creating the illusion of Egyptain characters who wear the solar disc above their heads.
That being said, it might be worth mentioning that there is another possible face, one which is one of the first to be noticably female in these images, below it and to the right. The angle here may turn out to be the same angle that defines the king and queen's chambers in the Great Pyramid. I'd not be the least bit surprised. To the left of the upper, "king's" face, there is apparently two pentagons connected by a remarkably straight line.
There is more complex geometry in the foreground.
A closer look at the "king". The "spoiled" symmetry of the eye to the viewer's right begins to demonstrate the possibility of having been "spoiled" by not an obviously unnatural imposition, but by one which may not be.
What is apparent here is that this imposition might take the form of a Sphinx, much like that of Giza on earth, which "guards" the "king's" eye in some obscure but obviously symbolic sense, reminiscent of the ancient Egyptian concept of "the guarding of the heart from the theif of hearts", a concept to which very little of deductive reasoning has been applied.
You should be able to see here that within the disc above the face there is an unnatural triangle of three objects, whose point is furthermore parallel to an axis running vertically through the "face", disc, and trapezoid, along with other detail that occurs within it.
Here is detail that shows the peculiar tower. This may not in fact be from the source image indicated previously on the prior page, but was filed with a code that has yet to be matched to the original image. It is definitely from within the first 33 Magellan image sets.
The tower is not only very much the same in appearance as that noted in the Martian South Polar city by Liz Edwards, looking rather like a lighthouse, and resemblant also of the Templar tower being white in appearance with a conical black roof, but it "just so happens" to be standing in the center of that pentagonal shape that we have had so much encouragement from science that we should not believe to be natural.
The pentagon sits at the upper left part of the visible image, which appears tilted because of a streak of missing data next to the image border, and occurs within a rectangle that is further unnaturally subdivided.
We will go lightly over the fact that the tower and pentagon reside within an area that looks as much like an outlined face as the one which drew attention to the Maya-style pyramids in the first part of "The Monuments of Venus".
That brings up back to the Templars and Rennes-le-Chateau, and concludes our tour of the "Grails Under the Double Rainbow".
Many thanks for having joined us.
Visitors since Feb 27, 1999