Chronos Apollonios' "Home on Olympus"

The Grail Under the Double Rainbow: Part Sixteen

The Monuments of Venus, Part Eight:
Return To Ammavaru, Part Two

There are many more possible things- very apparently, man-made things- in the original Magellan image of the locale of Ammavaru.

Some of them seem to suffer from peculiar distributions of contrast from processing, and almost require hand-shading to bring out details without completely blackening or whiting out other important details nearby.

None of the objects in the images on these two newest pages of enlargements of Magellan images of Venus have not, however, required this treatment, but have appeared relatively easily and readily by merely altering the overall contrast of the original.

It should be noted that this original image is one of those that is still very worthy of intense, further study, in spite of the additional treatment it has recieved in these newest pages.

Shown here is a detail of an image occuring beneath a large form of a balance, first as was, and again with certain details indicated.

Through many of my attempts to find the "optimum" shading to reveal the contents of this image, there have appeared to be many features which may be very characteristic of a city.

A great number of possible faces may be present in this area, although their scale has made convincing enhancement very difficult, especially with the limited imaging tools I am using.

Still, there are some fascinating features apparent in this image, a detail of an area from the lower upper left of the original.

Here, the locations of what appear to be four possible pyramids, are outlined in darker blue.

Three very interesting sets of deliberately triangulated "boulders", probably only a few of the ones that may be found in this image, are outlined in lighter blue in the second version of the enlargement.

(The black streaks at the top of these images are a remnant of having marked the location of a large form of a balance that is featured in images below during the enlargement of the image).

As is the case with all of the traced images here, only a fraction of the actual artifacts have been indicated, and this is particularly true of this first image appearing here.

It's extremely important, of course, to take what appears in this far less convincing image in the context of the amazing images that it is adjacent to.

As usual, the images are arranged largely without an exact order, other than loosely with the best last, so your patience with this and the other pages of this series, as always, is gratefully appreciated, and will hopefully be amply rewarded.

At left is a detail from an area left of the Grail in the source image. Not much to see here, is there?

But at right traced in green are some of the things that you can see if you look close.

The Mayan glyph, "Olin", that we have seen before here, appears beside a shape we have seen time and time and time again in these images of Venus.

As previously suggested in this series, it may be both a meaningful astrological and astronomical marker, and an ancient symbol for the precessional physics that has been demonstrated by modern physics to underly phenomena of time or entropy reversal, and appears amongst ancient symbols found close to claims by many more recent alchemists of, believe it or not, having mastered feats of resurrecting living things from their ashes, feats that are echoed by the simulation of David Bohm's "ink drop" experiment by energetic means by time-reversal physicists like Sven Hartmann and Irwin L. Hahn.

Such "modern" insights into time-reversal physics and modified time-reversal physics may underly the power to perform the astonishing feats of engineering and space travel that we see in these images.

It doesn't look like much as we see it at left, does it? Shall we pass over it and move right along? At right, outlined, are only some of the details that can be noted in this image with careful inspection.

Consider the statement that this makes, how many "seemingly" empty extraterrestial landscapes may be swarming with gigantic petroglyphs, and just how easy it can be to overlook them at a casual glance.

A detail from top center of the original source image, behind the tiered Maya pyramid that appears below on this page. Again, the same thing applies- it may not look like much at a casual glance, but if you look carefully... at right, some of the details are outlined. In yellow there is an amazing rectangular structure that has numerous, perfect divisions within it. The apparent balance outlined in orange, may have a feature that we have observed previously in this series, a possible aircraft, the "bird-like" form also outlined in orange, sitting within one of the balance triangles.

Outlined in light blue behind it is another possible ship, one which looks astonishingly similiar to the "The Lyre" in the same source image, and very similar as well to the petroglyphs of possible airships found in Part Five of this series .

I still cannot be certain what is in the center of this image at right, tilted slightly toward the right, but through many attempts at the "perfect" enhancement, it's continually given a powerful appearance of being an image of a (possibly winged) woman, holding a perfect sphere above her head.

Bear in mind also that what this difficult image may contain occurs very literally in the center of a remarkable collection of almost undoubtedly deliberate, artificial, and man-made earthworks, in the images above of which the one at right has its features highlighted in yellow.

The figure in the image at right bears considerable resemblance to the form of this ancient Cretan "Mother Goddess" at left. Is it an echo of a Venusian civilization?

In the pair of images below, at left is a detail from top center of the original source image, and at right, a closer version, that was intended to bring out what seems to be a beautiful example of a tiered pyramid (at lower left in the image with a dark square at the very top) as if Mayan, or perhaps more Peruvian, such as the Moche pyramids.

Unexpectedly, this image made it very clear that right behind the pyramid there is a possible airship, almost blimp-like or cigar-like. Not counting the remarkable symmetrically branching features which appear as if to be tailfins, it is getting rather close to the images of airships in the Abydos heiroglyphs recently added to the Enterprise Mission webpage, which Richard Hoagland brought to the world's attention during the recently televised opening of Egyptian tombs.

Could they be the same? Was the Ammavaru region once a thriving spaceport, or is this merely what remains of ships left behind when ancient Venusian colonists hastily retreated to Earth in the face of some ancient catastrophe? How many more ships might still be waiting to be discovered in the Magellan radar images of our sister planet? The same image (colorized for practice) repeated below, has in fact six possible objects that may be ships indicated, and if they are indeed real, they may have much to teach us.

Previous Part of "The Monuments of Venus"

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