Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus"
Astounding Information Keywords/ Names

- Wolf Hilburtz: Electro-Accretion, "Seacrete"
- U.S. Patent #4,246,075 (Wolf Hilbertz)
- Wolf H. Hilbert. "Electrodeposition of Minerals in Sea Water: Experiments and Applications" IEEE Journal On
- Oceanic Engineering, Vol O-E4, No.3, July 1979, pg. 94-113.
- "Why Not Grow a Building Underwater?" Next, Mar./Apr. 1980. Pg 57-62
- Telegraph/Sunday Magazine #227 Feb. 1. 1987. Pg. 31 & 34.
Thomas Beardon: Scalar Electromagnetics
- Nikola Tesla
- Nikola Tesla Page at Bill Beaty's Site
(many more Tesla links coming soon!)
- T.J. See: Gravity Waves
- Harold Saxton Burr
- H.S Burr and F.S.C. Northrop, "Evidence for the Existance of an Electro-Dynamic Feild in Living Organisms", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol 25, 1939, pg 284-etc.
- Ion Dumitrescu: Electronographic (Kirlian) imaging
- EVP-Electronic Voice Phenomena Device-Oriented Communication with the Dead, also known as ITC, Instrumental Transcommunication, etc.
- (see EVP page at this site)
Rex Research Infolio
- Counter Magnetic Amplifier
- Active Research and Development Coeur d' Alene, Idaho.
(see page at this site with Magick Mirrors and Time Cameras
- Georges Lakhovsky: Multi-Wave Oscillator
Ruth Drown: Homo-Vibro Ray
- Amargiland
Borderland Sciences Research Foundation
- Padre Ernetti: Time Camera (see page on Time Cameras and Magick Mirrorsat this site)
- Rex Research Infolio
- Air Wells, Dew Ponds, Mist-Pools
- "Dew Ponds", Scientific American, May, 1934, pp 254-255
- "Pyramid Power": Pyramid shaped piles of stone act as airwells. Popular Science, Oct. 1992
- Popular Mechanics. Dec. 1932, pg 868.
- Scientific American Aug. 6, 1910
- Achille Knapen U.S. Patent #1,816,592
- U.S. Patent #4,351,651 (Synergy Airwell Incorporated)
- Popular Science Jan. 1984. Pg 146-147
- "Soviets to Make Water From Air". St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Wed, Mar 19, 1986
- "A Foggy Solution" Science Digest. Feb, 1986
- "Gadget Battles Airport Fog". San Francisco Chronicle. July 16, 1986
- L. Chaptal Montpellier, France 1929.
- Lyman Gilmore 1960's. Argosy Magazine
- "Dew Pond' Supplies 120 Gallons Daily". Popular Science Sept. 1922. Pg 55
- "---Making Water Out of Thin Air" by Larry Stoiaken. Alternative Sources of Energy, July/Aug. 1982 (#56): (re: Air Well, Inc. P.O. Box 775, Alexandria, Maine, 56308)
- Calice G. Courneya U.S. Patent #4,351,651
- Water Purification
George Campbell "How to Get Pure Drinking Water from the Sun", Popular Mechanics, April 1983, pp. 98, 106, 170
Richard E. Diggs Apparatus fro Desalinating Water U.S. Patent #4,118,283 Oct. 3, 1978
Henri Coanda and Marguerite H. Coanda Device for Obtaining Fresh Drinkable Water U.S. Patent #2,761,292 Application Date: April 16, 1953
Henri Coanda and Marguerite H. Coanda Apparatus for Purification of Undrinkable Water U.S. Patent #2,803,591 Aug. 20, 1957
"Ground Animal Bones Filter Drinking Water" Popular Science, March, 1938
"Engineers Propose Freshwater System Using Glass Domes" Houston Chronicle, Apr. 8, 1984
"Electro-Osmosis Wrings Water Out of Clay" Popular Science, Jan. 1987, pg. 128
"Treating Domestic Wastewater with Water Hyacinths" (John Todd) NASA Technical Briefs, Fall 1980, pg. 336
Waves Forest
- Rex Research/ Bob Nelson, aka "Mobius Rex"
- Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean NV 89109 Catalog $4?
- Borderland Sciences Research Foundation
- Adventures Unlimited
- High Voltage Press
- Tesla Book Company
- Tesla Book Company BOX 121873 Chula Vista, CA 91912 1-800-398-5620
- Davis: Non-Inductive Resistor
- Erenhaft: Micro-magnet
- Patrick Flanagan: Pyramid Energies, & More, (including Neurophone)
- Flanagan, Patrick. "Pyramid Energy" (book)
- Flanagan, Patrick. "Beyond Pyramid Energy" (book)
Louis Kervran: Biotransmutation/ Goldfein: Biotransmutation
- A. C. Tam & W. Happer: Attraction & repulsion in polarized beams of light, etc.
- "Like Light Attracts, Unlike Light Repels" New Scientist, Feb. 24. 1977, pg. 455
Physical Review Letters, Vol. 38, p. 278
Master Magnet
- National OTC Stock Journal, July 20, 1984
Rex Research Infolio
- Kushi: Biological Transmutation
- George De La Warr: Radionics
- De La Warr Radionic Camera: British Patent #741,651
“Emanations Revealed by a New Photographic Process” Mind and Matter Q. I. Dec.,
1959 pg 18-33
“Some Interesting Radionic Reactions” by Alan J. Mayne, M.A., B.Sc.
“In Retrospect” by Geo. W. de la Warr Mind and Matter Q. I. Sept. 1959, pg. 20-34; Part
6: pg 34-41
G.W. de la Warr Radionic Centre Organization News Letter Autumn, 1968 pg 1-8
“Teleportation!” by John Rawson
George de la Warr “Matter in the Making”
- Herman Meineke: Psychotronics, Odic Disc Machine, Pyramid Energy Stand, Detectors, Orgone, Artificial Life, etc., etc.
- Rahne: Mitogenic Radiation
- W. (William?) Tiller:
- Tiller-Einstien model (in "Vibrational Medicine" by Richard Gerber, in Appendix, pgs 503-507 & re: Notes Chap 1 #3, pg 508; Chap 4, #2 & #7, pg 510 etc.); Magnetoelectric Spectrum
- Martin Ruderfer: "Photon found to be composed of Neutrino & Anti-Neutrino":
Energy Unlimited (magazine), #4 pg 53
Martin Ruderfer: "Are Solar Neutrinos Detected By Living Things?":
Physics Letters, Oct (6th) 1973, pg 363.
- Tom Bearden: Composite photon, Tesla technology, scalar science, custom quanta, etc etc...
- Wilbert B. Smith: Binding Force Meter, "The New Science", Etc.
- "The Creative Genius of Wilbert B. Smith" by Kathleen Joyce. Energy Unlimited, No. 1, pg 51-etc.
- Christopher Hills: Radiesthesia, Pyramid Energy, Life Force, Supersensonics, Dowsing, etc. etc.
Edwin V. Gray: Pulsed Capacitor Discharge Engine, more - Gray’s Engine
(Spiritweb.Org mirror of KeelyNet site)
Bruce de Palma: N-Machine, etc. Respected associate of Richard C. Hoagland
Experiment According to de Palma (Spiritweb.Org)
On the
Possibility of Extraction of Electrical Energy Directly From Space (Spiritweb.Org)
Letter to de
Palma (Spiritweb.Org)
The Secret of
the Faraday Disc (Spiritweb.Org)
Violation of
Law of Conservation of Charge in Space Power Generation Phenomenon
Free Energy Generator Test (Spiritweb.Org)
Energy From
Space (Spiritweb.Org)
Introduction to Free Energy Physics (Spiritweb.Org) -
Larry Spring: Spherical Magnetic Quantum
- Spherical Magnetic Quantum
(Sumeria page)
Free Energy Generators
Lajos (“Louie”) Szucs (Magnetic Field Motor) Democrat & Chronicle (Rochester, NY)
Wed. Sept. 4. 1991
John W. Gulley (Electric Engine)
Eric Davenport (Dynamic/Rotating E/M Unit)
Alexsandr V. Chernetskii (Plasma Generator)
John Ecklin (Combined Motor and Alternator-Brushless Combined Motor and
Arthur Adams (Strange Electrical Metal) Yorkshire Evening Post April 7 & 8, 1976;
Daily Express April 10, 1976; Fortean Times, Oct. 1985
John O. Webb (“Perpetual” Motion Motor)
Frank D. Markhana (Perpetual Battery) U.S. Patent #4,390,605
Harry M. Brown (Magnasource Unit; Perpetual Power Corporation, Seattle, Wa.)
James C. Fletcher Electromagnetic Wave Energy Converter U.S. Patent #3,760,257 Sept.
18, 1973
Gene Mollinet (“LE M3” Self-Powered Energy Unit)
Goleta Sun, Tuesday, Aug 28, 198? pg. 3
Geoffrey M. Spence (Energy Conversion System) U.S. Patent #4,772,816 Sept. 20,
C.E. Ammann (Atmospheric Generator) (Article Source Unknown.) Monday, Aug. 2,
1921 : “Denver Man Invents Generator That Takes Electricity From Air and Propels
Dr. Franklin’s “Mechnical Cow”: Converts Plant Matter to "Milk"
- Dr. Hugh Franklin:
Foster, Frank. “Inventor Gets 40 Quarts of Milk and Hour From Mechanical Cow"
National Enquirer Dec 8, 1968.
Magnet Motors
Arthur Powell, Drumright, Oklahoma. U.S. Patent #1,835,721 Dec. 8, 1931
J.W. Puysa, Hollywood, California U.S. Patent #1,963,213 (contains features adaptable to
permanent magnet motors)
Harry L. Worthington, San Francisco, California U.S. Patent # 1,859,643 May 24, 1932
and other patent #s.)
Harper’s Magazine, 1879; “The Theosophist” Nov. 1879, pgs. 54-56 (Peregrinus’
Georges H. Bougon. U.S. Patent #1,859,764 May 24, 1932
(an article states that all of the above patent #s have passed into “Public Property” status
for not having been implimented within 17 years of the patent date)
John Gulley The Flux Amplifier Generator
Bob Teal “ ‘Impossible’ Engine Invented for Real” Los Angeles Times Sun, May 30, 1976
Magnapulsion U.S. Patent #4,024,421 May 17, 1977(Benjiman R. Teal)
Magnetically Operable Engine U.S. Patent #4,093,880 June 6, 1978
Donald A. Kelley Magnetic Wheel Drive U.S. Patent #4,179,633 Dec. 18, 1979
Donald A. Kelley Magnetic Torque Multiplier U.S. Patent #4,167,684 Sept. 11, 1979
Donald A. Kelley Magnetic Torque Converter U.S. Patent #4,082, 969 Apr. 4, 1978
“A Permanent Magnetic Motor and Generator” E. R. Stokle (sic?) Scientific American
June 8, 1912, pg. 519
“Motors in Which Magnets Attract Other Magnets in Perpetual Motion” Jearl Walker
Scientific American pg 142-etc. (date unknown, appears to be 1982 or after?)
Peter Peregrinus 1269 A.D., translated by Sylvanus P. Thompson, on file in N.Y. Public
“Designing a Magneto-Kinetic Energy Generator” Invention Intelligence (India), April,
1977 pg. 227-229
Raymond Kromney Electric Generator U.S. Patent #3,374,376
Albert Roy Davis Reseach Laboratory Diamagnetic/Gravitational Interrelationship Effect
Wass. J., March 1985
“Thermomechanical Curie Convertor” M.P. George, Birla Institute of Technology and
Science, Pilani
Wesley W. Gary Harper’s New Monthly Mag. March 1879, pgs. 601-605
Jack E. Horner Reciprocating Motor With Magnetic Drive Means U.S. Patent #3,636,391
Jan. 18, 1972
Zane Chardrick Kininski Rotary-To-Reciprocating Device U.S. Patent #3,811,058 May
14, 1974
Howard R. Johnson Permanent Magnet Motor U.S. Patent #4,151,431 Apr. 24, 1979
John W. Eclkin Permanent Magnet Conversion Device U.S. Patent #3,879,622 Apr. 22,
Robert W. Kinnison Permanent Magnet Motion Conversion Means U.S. Patent # 3,899,
Aug. 12, 1975
J. William Putt Energy Conversion System U.S. Patent #3,992,132 Nov.16, 1976
J. William Putt Magnetic Apparatus for Producing Movement U.S. Patent #4,249,115
Feb. 3, 1981
Harold W. Scholin Apparatus Using Variations In Magnetic Force To Reciprocate A
Linear Actuator U.S. Patent #4,011,477 Mar. 8, 1977
Device for Producing Electrical Energy U.S. Patent #4,237,391 Dec. 2, 1980
Electric Machine, Especially Small Motor U.S. Patent #4,237,397 Dec. 2, 1980
Setsuo Kuroki Magnetic Motor U.S. Patent #4,305,024 Dec. 8, 1981
J.E. Jines, et al Means for Shielding and Unshielding Permanent Magnets and Magnetic
Motors Using Same U.S. Patent #3,469,130 Sept. 23, 1969
Francis R. Sheridan Reciprocating Magnet Motor U.S. Patent #3,609,425
Daniel Baker Magnetic Propulsion Device
Frank B. Richardson Electromagnetic Convertor With Stationary Variable-Reluctance
Members U.S Patent #4,077,001 Feb. 28, 1978
Doy Presley Magnetic Motor Having Rotating And Reciprocating Permanent Magnets
U.S. Patent #4,196,365 Apr. 1, 1980
Leonard C. Czerniak Permanent Magnet Motor U.S. Patent #3,935,487 Jan. 27, 1976
Charles Dana Schwebel Electric Current Generator U.S. Patent #3,424,931 Jan. 28, 1969
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