Dedicated to the Curious at Heart
Myth - Legend - Cultures - Genealogy - Misfits - And More

Romania Burrow

We are the Alpha Couple in charge of this Burrow. We've organized the Burrow's documents into the following bottom-up hierarchy:

Documents -- web pages

We've collected a number of documents that deal with the history, culture, people, and language of Romania. We also provide photo albums of various subjects and locales in Romania.

Most of these documents are meant to be read individually, but a few are part of alonger "article" and should be read sequentially. We'll always tell you which kind they are.

The photos are a special case and we'll explain how you can best view them.

Sections -- subjects

Documents are stored in various Sections. They allow us to organize the many Documents by subject matter.

To keep things neat, we store the Documents in boxes, which we place on metal shelves specially designed for this purpose. The offices in each Section look very much like they did in the pre-1989 days, before Communism fell.

Departments -- categories

We created a Department for each category of Document.

It's up to each Department to determine which Sections are needed and to appoint an Administrator to oversee the day-to-day operation. As the alpha couple, of course, we operate as the Burrow's joint Prime Ministers.

Burrows -- general areas

Where you are now -- the Romania Burrow.

However, you are welcome to stroll around to wherever your heart and curiosity take you. Enjoy your visit. You are always welcome!

Next Level

For now, we've established the following Departments:

  • History Department. I know ... I know ... history can be really, really boring! However, the history of Romania is interesting (at least to me) because it's the story of a small country who fought for independence against stronger neighbors ... and won. It's a story of the struggles, failures, and successes of this David against the neighboring Goliaths.
  • Department of Culture. Romania is a country rich in culture -- a wonderful culture, in my opinion. Often referred to as one of the poorest countries in Eastern Europe, Romania can still claim plenty of richness in its people. Find out about their country, its environment, and the ethnic diversity of the people. Stop by here to read about their art, their religion, and their government.
  • Language Department. It is claimed that the Romanian language derives from the Romans, being the closest surviving relative of Latin. It doesn't sound like the Latin I learned in school ... but is a wonderful language, with a very musical cadence. I'm still struggling to learn it.
  • Photography Department. For me, Romania is a land just waiting to be discovered by photographers. There are so many photo opportunities that it would take a lifetime (and then some) to cover all of them. Stop by here to see some of the photos I've taken.

Have a pleasant day!

Photo of a fox
Step inside the
Fox's Den and
visit some of
his burrows.