Native Americans Ceremonial Lodge (Biog)
Alpha Couple
As the Alpha Couple in charge of the Native American Burrow,
we'd like to welcome you to the Ceremonial Lodge,
containing Native American biographies.
However, if you selected this Lodge by mistake,
please feel free to choose another destination by clicking its
link in the Burrow Navigation Bar to your right.
You'll see our Lodges listed under the Native American Burrow.
And have a pleasant day wherever your browsing takes you.
As you read these biographies, it's important to remember that the
Native Americans were neither savages nor saints. They were real people,
just like you and I.
Some were cruel, some were saintly; some cared very much for the
environment, some blatantly destroyed it.
Whatever your beliefs about the Native Americans, try to set aside
your preconceived notions and accept them for who they are ... people
struggling with the same feelings and emotions that you and I share.
And don't forget, Native Americans still live among us. The native
people of today are just as diverse and interesting as any of the people
presented in these biographies.
What Next?
Return to the Native American Burrow.
Down One Level
Sections are the next lower level in the Native American Burrow.
Please feel free to stroll around the lodge.
Take your time. Enjoy your visit.
For now, we've setup the following Sections:
Cheyenne Section
Here you'll find the biographies of a few of the Cheyenne, a group of people who inhabited
the Northern Plains around present-day Minnesota.
Nez Perce Section
Here you'll find the biographies of a few of the Nez Perce, a group of people who inhabited
the Snake River area around present-day Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.
Sioux Section
Here you'll find the biographies of a few of the Sioux, a group of people who roamed
the Northern Plains around present-day Nebraska, North Dakota, and
South Dakota.
Paiute Section
Here you'll find the biographies of a few of the Paiute, a group of people who lived in
the harsh deserts around present-day Utah, Nevada, and northern Arizona.
Shoshone Section
Here you'll find the biographies of a few of the Shoshone, a group of people who lived in
the harsh deserts around present-day southeastern California and Nevada.
Have a pleasant day!