Misfits Burrow Film Library
Alpha Couple
As the Alpha Couple in charge of the Misfits Burrow,
we'd like to welcome you to the Film Library.
However, if you selected this Library by mistake,
please feel free to choose another destination by clicking its
link in the Burrow Navigation Bar to your right.
You'll see our Libraries listed under the Misfits Burrow.
And have a pleasant day wherever your browsing takes you.
Misfits seem to be a popular character type who is often portrayed in
movies and animated films. Though we haven't collected many documents in
this Library, we hope you enjoy what we have.
What Next?
Return to the Misfits Burrow.
Down One Level
Sections are the next lower level in the Misfits Burrow.
Please feel free to stroll around.
Take your time. Enjoy your visit.
For now, we've setup the following Sections:
Animated Film Section
We are NOT big fans of animated films. However, there are a few that
we included in the Animated Film
Section because we thought they portrayed some of life's misfits in
a good light.
Have a pleasant day!