Dedicated to the Curious at Heart
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Language Department

I see you found your way to the Romanian Language Department. Excellent choice!

If you selected this Department by mistake, simply choose another one by clicking its link in the Burrow Naviagation Bar to your right. You'll see the Departments listed under the Romania Burrow.

If you'd like to learn more about anything you find interesting within this Department, be sure to visit the Romania Bookstore.

Next Level

Please feel free to stroll around the Department offices, where you'll find several Sections, each containing shelves and boxes filled with documents. Take your time and browse through this Department in any order you choose. It is arranged by subject matter.

For now, we've setup the following Sections:

  • Romanian Language Lessons. I've put together a few mini-lessons. You're welcome to browse through these. You won't become an expert at the end of these lessons, but you might learn a few words and phrases.

Have a pleasant day!

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