Dedicated to the Curious at Heart
Myth - Legend - Cultures - Genealogy - Misfits - And More

Hebrew Library

Alpha Couple

As the Alpha Couple in charge of the Mythology Burrow, we'd like to welcome you to the Hebrew Library.

However, if you selected this Library by mistake, please feel free to choose another destination by clicking its link in the Burrow Navigation Bar to your right. You'll see our Libraries listed under the Mythology Burrow. And have a pleasant day wherever your browsing takes you.

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Return to the Mythology Burrow.

Down One Level

Departments are the next lower level in the Mythology Burrow. Please feel free to stroll around. Take your time. Enjoy your visit.

For now, we've setup the following Departments:

God Department

The Hebrews didn't always worship the One God. Throughout their long history, they've had many gods. And even their One God went by many names. Drop by the God Department and let me introduce you to some of them.

Goddess Department

You might be surprised to learn that the Hebrews didn't always worship the one male god. Quite the contrary. They also worshipped a long list of goddesses as well. Come inside the Goddess Department and meet some of the Hebrew Goddesses.

Creation Department

The Torah -- and Genesis in particular -- isn't the only version of the Hebrew creation myths. You might be surprised at some of the ideas they had. We talk about them in the Creation Department.

Adam & Eve Department

There's a lot more to Adam and Eve than you learned by reading about our "first parents" in the Book of Genesis. You'll find some interesting documents about them in the Adam and Eve Department. Find out how myth has made them larger than life. Find out about Adam's other wife (wives, actually).

Cain & Abel Department

You only get a brief glimpse into the lives of these first brothers in the Bible. We have some of their stories in the Cain & Abel Department. Ever wonder why they fought all the time? Could there be a political background to the story? Did the Hebrews have ulterior motives when they wrote the story?

Jacob & Esau Department

Two nations have fought over the Middle East for millennia, both claiming rights to the land through descent from these two brothers. The Bible presents only a brief sketch of the conflicts between them. In the Jacob & Esau Department, we'll look beneath the covers of history.

Have a pleasant day!

Photo of a fox
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Fox's Den and
visit some of
his burrows.