Dedicated to the Curious at Heart
Myth - Legend - Cultures - Genealogy - Misfits - And More

Mythology Burrow

Alpha Couple

We are the Alpha Couple in charge of this Burrow. It's a rather large Burrow, but we hope you enjoy your time here.

Burrow Organization

We've organized the Burrow's documents into the following structure:

Burrow -- General Area of the Den

Where you are now -- the Mythology Burrow.

However, you are welcome to stroll around to wherever your heart and curiosity take you. Enjoy your visit. You are always welcome!

Libraries -- Category Structures

Our Burrow is divided into one or more Libraries. They allow us to organize various documents into broad categories.

Our architects built a Library for each category of Document. They aren't real libraries, but they are buildings that have been architecturally designed to look like a typical library.

Departments -- Subject Matter Containers

Libraries are divided into one or more Departments. They allow us to organize various documents by subject matter.

Many of our documents are stitched or taped together to form a scroll, which is then carefully placed in a jar. Normally -- though not always -- jars are made of clay (pottery). Sometimes, due to the weight of their contents, they are made of more sturdy material. They are sized to hold a few (or a large number of) documents or scrolls.

However, scrolls are not the only documents you'll find in one of our jars. We often receive myths written (etched, actually) on hard surfaces, such as clay tablets, which we wrap and bind in leather straps before placing them in a jar.

To keep things neat, we store the jars on metal shelves specially designed for this purpose. Some departments have more documents than others.

Documents -- Web Pages

We've collected a number of documents that deal with the legends, myths, and folklore of a few ancient cultures. Some of them are written on papyrus or parchment or another form of paper. Some of the newest documents come from books or the Internet.

Most of these documents are meant to be read individually, but a few are part of a longer "article" and should be read sequentially. We'll always tell you which kind they are.

What Next?

Libraries are the next lower level in the Mythology Burrow. For now, we've setup the following Libraries:

General Library

The General Library is where you'll get an introduction to the world of mythology. Maybe you'll even find out why the Village Fox enjoys the subject of myth and legend so much. And while you're here, check out some of the other documents and scrolls of a general nature that you'll find in this Library.

Hebrew Library

Do you sometimes wonder how those Old Testament stories in the Bible got started? Well, then, you might be interested in strolling through the Hebrew Library, which is filled with Hebrew and Jewish legends. You just might be surprised by what you find.

Please notice, however, this library is not -- I repeat not -- about a "religious" or "theological" treatment of the Bible. Rather it contains documents and scrolls that deal with the mythology behind the Bible stories. If you fancy yourself as a fundamentalist Bible scholar, then you might not be happy with these documents.

Mesopotamian Library

Although the ancient people of the Fertile Crescent aren't as well-known as those of other geographic areas, their writings are filled with a rich mythology. Stop by the Mesopotamian Library to see some of the myths spawned by the people in the cities bounded by the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers -- including, Sumer, Assyria, Babylon, and Akkad.

FYI: In Greek, Mesopotamia means "between the rivers." Today, the area is mostly within the borders of modern-day Iraq.

Animal Library

Animals have figured prominently in mythology since the beginning of time. At the moment, this Library is empty. I plan to stock the library's shelves at some time in the future.

Egyptian Library

Egyptian mythology has been well-documented. At the moment, this Library is empty. I plan to stock the library's shelves at some time in the future.

Greek Library

Greek mythology has been well-documented. At the moment, this Library is empty. I plan to stock the library's shelves at some time in the future.

Roman Library

Roman mythology has been well-documented. At the moment, this Library is empty. I plan to stock the library's shelves at some time in the future.

Have a pleasant day!

Photo of a fox
Step inside the
Fox's Den and
visit some of
his burrows.