Misfits Burrow
Alpha Couple
Hi, I'm the female half of the Alpha
Couple in charge of this Burrow. The picture is how my husband sees himself.
He's dishevelled all right ... but smart? Ha! However, I do allow him to
keep up that dillusion.
Have you ever had the feeling that you're some kind of a square peg
yourself, trying your best to fit into this otherwise round world? Well,
take heart -- you're not alone. The Village Fox is a Myers-Briggs INTP personality type, which represents
a scant one percent of the population in America. That means the Village
Fox often (always?) feels that way too.
And so, he figured it might be a good idea to devote a portion of his
web site to a few of the other square pegs he's run across. As you wander
around his web site, we're sure you'll see other examples of his "square
peg" personality shining forth. Well, okay, maybe it won't be as much of a
shine as it will be a fuzzy glow.
As you probably know, both life and literature are filled with examples
of square pegs. Characters who don't quite fit.
Well, in their honor, we've put together a couple of reviews of our own
personal favorites (which, happily, pretty much coincides with the Village
Fox's personal favorites). Obviously, we can't include them all ... at
least, not in the beginning. However, we hope you enjoy at least some of
them. If we have forgotten a few of your favorites, we beg your
Burrow Organization
We've organized the Burrow's documents into the following structure:
Burrow -- General Area of the Den
Where you are now -- the Misfits Burrow.
However, you are welcome to stroll around to wherever your heart
and curiosity take you. Enjoy your visit. You are always welcome!
Libraries -- Category Structures
Our Burrow is divided into one or more Libraries.
They allow us to organize various documents into broad categories.
Our architects built a Library for each category of Document.
They aren't real libraries, but they are buildings that have been
architecturally designed to look like a typical library.
Unfortunately, some of the shelves have fallen down and documents
are scattered all over the place. Seeing our Libraries is a fitting
prelude to the type of Documents we keep here (you know, misfits).
Sections -- Subject Matter Containers
Documents are divided into Sections.
They allow us to organize our topics by subject matter.
However, due to the subject matter, we sometimes find it hard to
fit Documents into any particular Section. Sometimes -- dare we admit
this? -- we're not very organized. Of course, the Village Fox understands.
We hope you do too.
Documents -- Web Pages
We've collected a number of documents that deal with examples of a
few of the Village Fox's favorite misfits -- found in literature and
the media.
Most of these documents are meant to be read individually, but
a few are part of a longer "article" and should be read sequentially.
We'll always tell you which kind they are.
What Next?
Libraries are the next lower level in the Misfits Burrow.
For now, we've setup the following Libraries:
Literature Library
The Literature Library is where you'll find
a few of the misfits from the fascinating world of literature. Fiction is
usually stranger than life -- in spite of the often quoted, opposite
Film Library
The Film Library is where you'll find a
few of the misfits from the world of film and animation.
Have a pleasant day!