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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I, MARB, am designer, primary-author and general "web-guru" for this site. I am a 29 year old HPs and Foundress of Temple ov thee Dragon. T.O.D. is run on Thelemic principles.

I taught myself HTML the old fashioned way, so I do program my own personal pages in raw HTML code, only checking through WYSIWYG's if there is a really stubborn code-bug that I can't find. (or in the case of "The Movie Vault" -- a jillion fields to individually align-right).

Previously, I lived in Erie, PA -- that corner PA bought from NY just so PA could have a Great Lakes shipping port. I have lived in Ohio for 2.5 years, and am in school at Kent State Univ. I have my B.A. in Cultural Anthropology. I was raised Byzantine Rite Roman Catholic by my parents (6 years of Latin Rite schooling) and Cherevyjka/Koldunya by my Babcia(grandmother).

I am a Thelemite and a member of the Ordo Templi Orientis. I have been publicly performing in the Office of Priestess for Liber XV {the Gnostic Mass} since April 2000e.v. I have performed Liber XV with Black Sun Oasis, OTO and William Blake Oasis, OTO. T.O.D. is run on Thelemic principals - each member must seek out the systems that will best assist them on the path to finding and pursuing of their own Will, and I will do my best to help them find whatever resources I am aware of or able to locate pertaining to their chosen path. I can teach magick, but I can't teach spirituality. I believe every person MUST develop their own spirituality (oft-times this DOES run parallel to that in which they were raised in, oft-times not) or in my view they are only lying to themselves. As you will see in my links, I do have links to all forms of magicks, BUT! take note in regard to Paganism, I do NOT support ANY "white-light, fuzzy-bunny" sort of attitude as this is most certainly deluding oneself. I feel you MUST learn the "left-handed" methods so you can learn how to DEFEND against them should anyone direct them at you.

I have had formal (class) education in the craft, magick and theology in general as well as familial education. I pursue magical knowledge in all forms and traditions including study of those belonging to certain "mainstream" religions. ("equal opportunity" magick) Every religion on Earth has it's own magical forms.


lazy shady PA day under the wysteria canopy
warm and sunny in Ohio

I have a black BobTail cat. He was born in April 1998e.v., and has proven quite resilient throughout his joint custody that my father and I have arranged. He is the recogized Hetman of my home, although my father calls him Chairman Mieauo. For the small price of not wandering from his planks or carpet samples, he gets to sun himself outdoors. When he's not tearing up the house, he actually will fall asleep in/on anything resembling a cardboard box or anything resembling a person (he seems particularly interested in my big bulky "I live in the snowbelt" sweaters) - thankfully no interest whatsoever in baskets of clean laundry.

Send me your 2¢, I'ld love to know what you are looking for in my website. Make sure to check it often as there are now constant changes being made.

Love is the law, love under will.


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This page created 16 Jan 99, last updated on 22 Feb 2002.
Text, Layout and Photos ©1999-2001. MARB - Temple ov thee Dragon.