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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Welcome to Temple ov thee Dragon Thelema Page. Thelema is the Greek word for Will. What is Thelema? Thelemites often use the expressions "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." (Liber Al I40) "Love is the law, love under will." (Liber Al I57) to summarize the philosophy. These phrases belong to The Book of the Law - Liber Al vel Legis sub figura CCXX which was channeled to Aleister Crowley through his wife Rose by the spirit Aiwass in 1904. Thelema is not a religion but rather a philosophy which stresses individuality. "Every man and every woman is a star." (Liber Al I3) Most Thelemites take this to mean that every single person has their own path to find and follow on which one can move freely without collision pursuing their True Will. Each person must find and discover their own True Will for themselves. No one person can determine the True Will of another. The main task then for each Thelemite is to discover and pursue this. Such methods of self discovery as magick, meditation, yoga, etc. are very useful in this task. What makes the Temple ov thee Dragon a "Thelemic" coven? As a Thelemite myself, I insist that each member of my coven searches the various magickal paths, finds out what each tradition holds for them and makes the best decision for themselves which method/tradition is going to guide them toward finding and following the path of their own True Will. In the Temple of the Dragon, our members are of many different traditions. One of the things that I insist of anyone persuing the the third degree within the coven is that they not only pursue their own tradition/system of choice but also be able to teach the rest of the coven what they are learning on that path. Coveners pursuing their third degree must also study some form of high magick to broaden their magickal background. There is more than one way to do just about anything, and by this structure we can all learn from each other many of these different methods. 93? 93 is the gematria numeration of the words Thelema (Will) and Agape' (Love) hence: 93 Will 93 ---- Love is the Law. ------ 93 Love 93 93/93. (Love Will/Love.)
Some links to other Thelemic sites:
~Ordo Templi Orientis Grand Lodge
I do plan to add in many relevant links to Thelema. Please be patient in the meantime.