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Click here to view the current musing: To bind or not to bind, that is the question.

This page doesn't have an exact schedule for posting so be sure to check often for new additions.

The following is a listing of previous musings acording to their season/date.

Samhain 1998 Hints for the holiday
Fair Weather vs. Foul Weather Does your faith depend on the whether?
TOD Outting Views Stop bein' a goof!
Year of the Rabbit What does the Rabbit hold for you!
The Horseman by William Young from The Century
Sacrifices For real.

~ Mabon has passed now, what will YOU be doing for Samhain? Let us know.

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This page recreated by MARB 10 Nov 98. Last updated 21 Oct 2001.
Text, layout, graphics and background © 1998-2001. MARB - Temple ov thee Dragon.