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So who are WE anyway!

The Temple ov thee Dragon is an eclectic coven of witches based in western and northwestern Pennsylvania. Our coven draws from many sources: Celtic, Norse, Egyptian and Eastern European traditions, and Ritual Magicks respectively. Our emphasis is on the practical applications of magick and on the individual spiritual growth of all of our coven members. Hence eclecticism is vital as it lets each member find and pursue one's own true Will in regard to their magical/spiritual path. In respect to "witchcraft," we not only accept all "hereditary"/historical paths, but also Frater Gardner's tradition and those that have sprung from it.

Our priestesses and priests are legally ordained ministers and can perform legal handfastings/weddings, as well as Rites of Passage, etc.

We also provide outer-court study group training in the art and practice of witchcraft and magicks of all forms, and we are always open to those seriously interested in studying the practice, application, and philosophies of Magick and the craft. Of course we are always happy to answer any questions from those who simply have an interest.

As a strict policy, we condemn all forms of religious discrimination; that is, against any religion. (This INCLUDES those that may discriminate against us!) We believe each person must find their own path, and so we support all paths and traditions. We actively seek knowledge of all forms of magickal practices as the key of magick is not whether it is "right" or "left" handed, but how is is applied and for what purpose.

We will do our best to keep a listing of scheduled events (relevant to NW-W PA, Eastern OH & Western NY) as well as a list of other related sites.

We now have additional pages on Seasonal celebrations, coven musings, etc. Our current musing is on the subject of binding. Check back on a regular basis. Our Herb Page has been completely renovated. We are currently setting up a whole new format for this whole site. We do have an association with Amazon.com for our Books Page. Feel free to go visit as we are constantly updating. If there is any subject that you would like to see on this webpage, please do e-mail it for consideration. Please also don't forget to link us in to your own web-page if you think others would like to visit as well.

For link additions or to add events to schedule or if you are interested in contacting us, please email Temple ov thee Dragon

This page was created and is maintained by witches: MARB and members of T.O.D.- as a bulletin, event and link site for witches and magickal practitioners.

Come visit

** GRC kepre **

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