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~ For information, dates or directions for Erie, PA - UU open circles please e-mail
They start at 7pm at the Erie UU - a $3 donation is asked to help cover the cost of the room rental.
~ The Northern Ohio Pagan Encounter has started meeting in Strongsville, OH. Meetings alternate between opposite Thursdays and Fridays. Anyone with any questions on this please contact NOPEP. ~ The Kent Neo-Pagan Coalition meets on Tuesdays at 8:30 in the Kent Student Center. Room # is posted in the student center daily activites schedules. Seasonal sabbats are also performed accordingly at various locations. For more information please contact KNPC directly. ~ *2002* - Black Sun Lodge, OTO presents the first ever PANTHELEMICON - a gathering for the Thelemic world at large. This will be a gathering for ALL Thelemites, not only those who choose to belong to any of various magickal or fraternal orders. One of the main focuses will be where Thelema is after its first century and where it is going. Bring an open mind and leave your attitude at home :-) Further information will be available very soon. ~ Saturdays - starting soon! - KNPC Tarot workshop/study group. We will be addressing each one of the Major Arcana - one per week. Once these are completed, we will address all four suits of the Lesser Arcana - one number per week. This is projected to be a 36 week study at present. Contact KNPC for further information. |
In the past A few of us coveners had the blessed opportunity to see the monks of the
Drepung Loseling Monastery at Mercyherst College
create a mandala sand painting, and perform ceremonial chants. At the end of the week
they destroyed the mandala, poured the sand into an urn and took it to Dobbins Landing
in Erie, PA where they conducted ritual and poured the sand as well as water, milk and
lillies into the lake with a blessing for the city.
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