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We are continually renovating so please check back often. Recently - the Herb Page and the Book Page have been thoroughly renovated and expanded.
For link additions or to add events to schedule or if you are interested in contacting us, please send mail to Temple ov thee Dragon
This page was created and is maintained by: MARB and members of T.O.D.- as a bulletin, event and link site for witches and magickal practitioners.
Please excuse our apparent current color confusion. Indeed this page looks 1000% better since the overhaul than it did 15 minutes after I realized there was a font-color emergency. I simply wish the overhaul had't been necessary. It seems that when Yahoo! took over Webring, they set the unspoken standard that anyone using a webring should have a light background with a dark font and therefore, our "real" link colors barely show up at all on their new light grey java bar. Gone for now are the days of artistic webring nav-bars for any NEW Yahoo!Webrings. I have received word from Yahoo! that they are currently working on this exact issue, so one can hope that it may be rectified soon...

Come visit
** GRC kepre **

This page last updated on 14 Oct 2001.
Text, Layout and Background © 1998-2001. MARB - Temple ov thee Dragon.





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Note: I have done my best to make sure this page looks the same in both MS Internet Explorer and in Netscape Navigator. If you find any viewing discrepancies please let me know.