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Some suggested reading

This page last updated 14 Oct 2001. Text, layout and background © 1999-2001. MARB and Temple ov thee Dragon.

- Individual links are being set up so you can click on any of the highlighted books to order directly from Amazon.com, or feel free to click on the Amazon.com logo to access their full site. ... Note it may seem as though some of the listed authors have preference over others. We do our best to only list books with valid, useful content as we have found through our own use. Some of you may wonder why many of these books are more based on Ceremonial Magicks. As a Thelemic coven we have found value in ALL magickal forms, not just "low" magicks usually attributed to "witchcraft." Remember these are our personal suggestions. We give preference to usable information not people.

Don't forget to check out my favorite herbals at the newly renovated Herb Page.

Ceremonial Magick and Mysticism
Witchcraft and Paganism
Qabalah and Enumeration
Herbs - Growing and Using
Egypt - History, Religion and Myth
Sight and Sound
Tarot and Divination
The Movie Vault

The following are only available through specific distributors.

Author(s) Title - personal comments do not necessarily match
views of author(s), publisher or Amazon.com
Nasa Voyager Space Sounds ~ SPACE SOUNDS MUSIC
This CD is a MUST for planetary workings! the real sounds of the planets.
This is the actual recording with no instrumental accompaniment.
New Leaf Distribution
Consult your local magickal shop
We have done our best to make sure all listings are informationally accurate. If there are any errors at all, please inform us immediately so that we may correct them quickly.

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