The Taoist Circle Organization

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If you like Taoism, quotes, articles on philosophy, taoist history and practices, news, chat rooms, message boards, web site and book reviews then you will love the Taoist Circle. Not to mention if you are on AOL there is also a community that is provided where you make your self "visible" to other members so that you can chat in real time with them. Interested? If so go to the bottom of this page to see what it is about and to sign up. Don't worry it is FREE!!

| Taoist Web Sites | Philosophy Mailing Lists | Taoist Chat Rooms | Misc.Philosophy Web Sites |
| My Local Info | My Other Pages | Join Taoist Circle |

Taoist Web SitesDescription
Taoism and the Philosophy of Tai Chi Chuan The best site I have seen yet to actually learn about taoism.
Taoist Restoration SocietyWonderful Taoist site with great message board. Goal is to help restore Taoist temples and lands.
Daoism DepotA site that hosts one of the largest webrings for Taoist. Also has a mailing list, and other sites and chat.
The Western Reform Taoist CongregationA new community for Taoists.
The Tao by Lao-tseChinese Version of the Tao Te Ching with word for word translation.
Chinese Health InstituteOffering group and private instruction in T'ai-Chi Ch'uan, Chi-Kung, Chin-Na, and meditation, as well as consultations in Feng Shui and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
The Realm of Philosophy - Home PageExcellent Page with great appearance and high content. Also has a Taoist Web Ring.
The HermitageSite with great content and a joy to browse through due to great layout.
Taoist Resource CenterVery high in content.
Conrad's list of Tao Te Ching TranslationsMany different translations. Surely a style to meet any person's taste.
The Golden LanternTaoist and Buddhist poetry...also many great links
Taoism: The Temple of the Immortal SpiritThis page is dedicated to exploring the meaning of TAOIST mystical and spiritual philosophies in the context of Western culture.
The Abode of the Eternal TaoA page representing various aspects of contemporary Taoism.
Mr. Sage's Taoism PageOffers many high content links and wonderful essays on various topics that concern the modern Taoist.
Taoism and related informationOffers various links to translations of Taoist Texts, and other Taoist pages.
Taoism Information PageLinks and information on a wide ranging area covering Taoism to oriental culture.
Free and Easy WanderingA very interesting article on Taoism.
Lao Tzu: the Tao of Reality.Scientific Pantheism as it applies to Taoism. Many quotes from the Tao Te Ching.
Chuang TzuA short essay on the man and his life.
Su Tzu's Chinese Philosophy PageMany translations and texts by such authors as: Confucius, Mencius, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, I Ching, Sun Tzu, Guigu Tzu, and others.
Welcome to XTaoAnother listing of Taoist resources.
TAO Home PageTwo peoples thoughts and essays on various topics such as children, Tao Te Ching, and life in general.
Bill Mason's Taoism PageA page with many, many links. Also provides a web ring of Taoist sites.

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Philosophy Mailing ListsDescription
Taoist Circle Message BoardThis is a message board for members to post messages and replies. It is similar to a newsgroup, but this is free of the Flames and hate. Check it out.
Taoist Circle Mailing ListThis is similar to other mailing lists available. You send in an email to the list address and the email is then distributed to all on that list. You must be a member to participate.
Taoist Circle Members' ListA listing of members of the Taoist Circle who are interested in corresponding with other Taoists. Sort of like the Taoist Circle's own Pen Pal listing.
List of Email ListsA comprehensive listing of e-lists.
Taoist Restoration Society Message BoardVery friendly, active list. Lots of great information posted.
Daoism Depot Message BoardAnother great message board with civil discussions. Sides toward the religious side of Taoism. Also provides mailing list service.
alt.philosophy.taoismA newsgroup with great discussions on anything from hard core Taoism to antics and passing around of the wine jug.
Paths Mailing ListThis mailing list is open to all. Discussions limited to how the Tao relates to life, the universe, everything. To subscribe, send mail to with the body of your message containing " sub paths ".
Taoism Mailing List The Taoism list is for the discussion of taoist philosophy. To subscribe, send mail to with the body of your message containing " subscribe taoism ".
Taoism Studies-LThe Taoism-Studies-l Forum was established by the Research School of Social Sciences, ANU to provide a world-wide communications vehicle and a central electronic archive for anyone working on, or interested in the scholarly study of the Taoism, Taoist practices and traditions as well as relevant aspects of other Asian religions." To subscribe, send mail to with the body of your message containing " subscribe taoism-studies-l ".
Taoism-LTo subscribe, send mail to with the body of your message containing " SUB TAO-L ". You will then receive directions for verification.
Neijia List If anyone is interested in subscribing to an internal martial arts (known collectively as neijia) message board send email to: Leave the subject line blank and write "subscribe Neijia" and your E-mail address as the body of the letter and send.
The WayThe Way is a new quarterly publication which will focus on: Kung-fu, Chi Kung, Tai Chi, Pa Kua, Hsing-I, Meditation, Feng Shui, Acupuncture, Herbs, Tui Na Massage, Reflexology, Taoist Sexology, Chinese Astrology, Chinese Cooking, Taoist Yoga, and Taoist Philosophy. To receive an introductory issue, send 3 postage stamps (outside the U.S., send 3 International Reply Coupons) to:
Detroit International Publishing
P.O. Box 43556
Detroit, Michigan 48243
Should you have any questions or comments, do not hesitate to contact There is a free sample issue. A yearly subscription is $15 ($20 outside U.S.).
"The Empty Vessel: A Journal of Contemporary Taoism" A magazine on Taoism today. It costs $18/year, and is published quarterly. More information can be found at the following address:
The Abode of the Eternal Tao
2714 Adams St.
Eugene, OR 97405.
email to
(514) 345-8854
Elbow RoomA free e-mail newsletter that explores and celebrates the diversity of philosophy and its applications. If you want to subscribe just e-mail or and say Add me too!!!

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Taoist Circle Chat RoomThe Taoist Circle Chat Room. This is a weekly chat room open to members of the Taoist Circle. Various subjects on Taoism are covered. Join the Taoist Circle and come join us.
Nature of Reality Chat RoomOn Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30pm ET and on Sundays at 6pm ET there is a private room (AOL only) hosted called the Nature of reality. For more info contact
Step by Step: Walking the Path of the Way.The owner of this site hosts a Taoist oriented internet chat room

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Miscellaneous SitesDescription
Dharma The Cat: Get Philosophy with Fur!Has an interfaith forum with many intersting articles from many interesting faiths.
Zen Stories to Tell Your NeighborsMany, many parables.
The White Path TempleAn on line Buddhist temple.
NuminismThis site focuses on a subject matter I had never heard of prior to visiting this site, a roman religion. Quite interesting, with lots of info for even those not interested in converting.
Philosophy Sources on the InternetA site full of interesting resources.
Comparative ReligionA site trying to show overwelming similarities of the world's major religions.
Religion: (The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Religion)Almost anything, on almost any religion. Very comprehensive.
Shaolin Gung Fu InstituteAn interesting site dealing with the arts.
Webring - The Shape of Things to ComeTopic oriented rings. Good way of seeing many pages on any topic.
Meditation LoungeA site dedicated to learning, knowledge, and the expansion of one's mind.
Druidism FAQDruidism is a very interesting subject and quite similar to Taoism.
Atlas PluggedThis site is the home of a free philosophy newsletter.
Objectivism - The Philosophy of ReasonObjectivism, a rather extreme but interesting philosophy.
The Wisdom PageA site devoted to wisdom resources.
Philadelphia PoetryFree Philadelphia Poetry
NotebooksEssays on various philosophical topics.
Five Free Trees Reservation FormGet some free trees, and plant for tomorrow.

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My Local FavoritesDescription
Welcome To The newsherald.comThe newspaper serving Panama City Fl.
Bay District SchoolsInfo on our schools (Bay County FL) and home pages of some of them
Rutherford High School My graduating high school.
The Tyndall Air Force Base Home PageOur local Air Force Base.
Panama City, Florida Local ForecastCheck out what clouds are hanging over my head right now.
FloridaWhat is the weather like for FL? (AOL only link)
U.S. Radar ImageGet the latest Radar imagery for the U.S. (AOL only link)
U.S. Current Weather MapCurrent weather map of the U.S. (AOL only link)
Panama City, Florida Local ForecastMy local forcast.

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My Other PagesDescription
Taoist Circle OrganizationThis is the main page of the Taoist Circle Organization. It provides a gateway to the various other sites listed below.
What is Taoism?This is the site for those that know little or nothing about Taoism. I try to give a simple yet competent answer of the question, "What is Taoism?"
Taoist CircleA site describing the purpose, and benefits of the Taoist Circle.
Quotes PageThis is a collection of my favorite quotes from the Tao Te Ching and other sources.
Taoist Circle Submissions PageThis is a page designed to allow members and non-members to send articles into the Taoist Circle Newsletter.
Comedy PageJust in case you need a little pick-me-up. Here are some pretty funny jokes to lighten things up.
Awards PageAll the awards that have been given graciously to the Taoist Circle.
Members' ListA listing of members of the Taoist Circle who are interested in corresponding with other Taoists.
Members' List Admission PageHere is where you can become listed on the Members' List. First you must join the Taoist Circle though.
Taoist Circle Chat RoomA chat room hosted by the Taoist Circle. A weekly chat discussing various topics of Taoism. Join the Taoist Circle if you wish to receive date and times of future chats.
Sign My Guest BookPlease take the time to sign my guest book and tell me what you think of this page. Thank you and stop back by.
View My Guest BookCheck out who has been here, while you are at it sign my guest book.
Archive of newslettersHere is where you can find all the privious newsletters.
Taoist Circle Message BoardThis is a message board for members to post messages and replies. It is similar to a newsgroup, but this is free of the Flames and hate. Check it out.
Taoist Circle Mailing ListThis is similar to other mailing lists available. You send in an email to the list address and the email is then distributed to all on that list. You must be a member to participate.
Taoist Circle Book StoreThis is my own personal selection of books that I think will help the seeker along his/her path. Hope you take the time to view the selections.

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I am trying to orginize what I have come to call the Taoist Circle. It is a group of people ( not necessarily Taoists ) that are interested in learning and expanding their knowledge. In conjunction with this group of people, I put out a free bi-monthly newsletter on Taoism. It has news, essays, web site reviews, letters from members, articles on Taoist history and practices, book reviews, jokes, quotes, and current listings of many Taoist forms of communication (new sites, newletters, publications, mailing lists etc.). Along with all this also comes a chat room, a message board to post your thoughts and questions,a Mailing List to which you can send and receive email from all on the list, a list of members interested in corresponding with other Taoist (Members' List), and a site where you can submit your articles or thoughts to the letter (Write the letter) .

And if you are on AOL you have an added feature of what I call TTC Chat. This is a way that all members on AOL can identify themselves through their profile and use the members search to chat with other members while on line.

So if you are interested in joining or getting more info on the "Taoist Circle" please click on the corresponding box below.

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