Welcome to the Taoist Circle
At first the Taoist Circle started out as a very small mailing list made up of people who saw my quotes page and wanted me to send them some quotes by email.
That was then, but now the Taoist Circle has turned into more than just a mailing list. It has become one of the largest communities of Taoists on the net. I say community, for a community interacts in many ways with one another. Where a mailing list is just a bunch of people on the receiving end of an impersonal mass emailing.
How is the Taoist Circle a community? In many ways. The Taoist Circle has over time sought ways to encourage interaction between all the members. Here are some of the ideas that were developed.
Taoist Circle Newsletter: This is a free bimonthly newsletter on Taoism and related ideas. This is by no means a one way newsletter. As a matter of fact the majority of the newsletter is written by other members. They then send in their articles to me, where I edit them and incorporate them into the newsletter. The compilation of all these articles is then sent out to all the members. You input is NEEDED. That is why I have developed a Write in to the Letter page.
Members' List: This is a listing of fellow Taoists that wish to make themselves available for contact by email. Sort of like a pen pal.
Taoist Circle Chat Room: This is a chat room for all members. It is hosted every Sunday at 9pm Eastern Time. No add-ons are required of your browser, and all are welcome. Topics change week to week so join the Taoist Circle so you can get the topic emailed to you.
Taoist Circle Message Board: This is a feature similar to a newsgroup. Members post messages and reply to messages already posted. Here is a great place to ask things that you are unsure of, and have many views of input. It is different from the newsgroups in one way though, it is a friendly place, not full of flame wars.
Taoist Circle Mailing List: This is a feature similar to other mailing lists available. You send in your email to the list address and the email is then distributed to the entire mailing list. This way you can send and receive thoughts from the entire list as quick as you can send an email.
TTC Chat: This is a way that was developed to allow members on AOL to easily recognize one another so they can chat at any time they are on line with another member. I use this feature quite often for there is always another member on line.
Taoist Resources: The Taoist Circle provides one of the largest and most comprehensive listings of other Taoist resources available. Things such as web sites, mailing lists, up coming chats, newsgroups, quotes, book reviews, answers to questions, essays on Taoist history, practices, and beliefs, not to mention some pretty funny jokes also.
So now you can see why I call the Taoist Circle a "community" and not a mailing list? It is much, much more than just that. Please join our community and find out for yourself. All of the features listed above can be found in the list of sites at the top of this page. I hope to hear from you.
So if you are interested in joining or getting more info on the "Taoist Circle" please enter your complete correct email address and then click on the corresponding box below.