The Taoist Circle Organization

What is Taoism

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Taoism, a spontaneous, profound awareness of the true nature of things, expressed in mystical and poetic terms. The Tao means "the way" but is understood to be indefinable. The Tao is something like the universal, the main cosmic order of nature, but to even to say this is, already, is to misspeak.

The symbol of Taoism is the "t'ai c'hi t'u" also called the "symbol of the ultimate supreme". It is better known as the yin-yang. The symbol of two fish-one dark with a light eye and one light with a dark eye-chasing each other around in a circle is a metaphor for the active and passive forces in the universe. There is the dark, passive, female yin and the bright, active, male yang. These two forces swirl about and through each other, changing constantly. One becomes the other, and both always contain the seed of the other within (i.e., as the eye of the fish in the image).

I am trying to organize what I have come to call the Taoist Circle. It is a group of people ( not necessarily Taoists ) that are interested in learning and expanding their knowledge. In conjunction with this group of people, I put out a free bimonthly newsletter on Taoism. It has news, essays, web site reviews, letters from members, articles on Taoist history and practices, book reviews, jokes, quotes, and current listings of many Taoist forms of communication (new sites, newsletters, publications, mailing lists etc.). Along with all this also comes a chat room, a message board to post your questions and thoughts,a Mailing List where you can send and receive mailings from the entire mailing list, a list of members interested in corresponding with other Taoist (Members' List), and a site where you can submit your articles or thoughts to the letter (Write the letter) .

And if you are on AOL you have an added feature of what I call TTC Chat. This is a way that all members on AOL can identify themselves through their profile and use the members search to chat with other members while on line.

So if you are interested in joining or getting more info on the "Taoist Circle" please enter you (correct) email address and click on the corresponding box below.

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