The Taoist Circle Organization

Taoist Circle Mailing List

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This is another feature of the Taoist Circle that makes it the most unique community on the net. This is the Taoist Circle Mailing List.

If you are not aware of what a mailing list is please let me explain. This is a feature where once you have requested to be added to this list you can then send and receive mail from all on that list. You send in an email to the list address and that mail is then distributed to the entire mailing list.

This is a seperate list from the list of people that receive the Taoist Circle Newsletter. You MUST request to join this list. But to do so you must first be a member of the Taoist Circle (To do so click here and fill out the form provided to join). You then may proceed with joining the mailing list (Click the button below).

Good, now that you are a member of the Taoist Circle you will be receiving all the benefits of this group.

To join the Taoist Circle Mailing List, click on the following button:

Click to subscribe to taoistcircle

Or send an email to and in the subject or body of the email place the following: "Sign on Tao-list". Remember, you will receive a "Welcome" message from onelist upon joining this list. It will contain your password, please keep this handy for it will allow you to change your subscriptions and unsubscribe in the future.

To send in a submission to be sent to the list simply email your submission to

A few rules

  • As there will be many members on this list don't simply responde to every emailing. This will clutter people email and make them leave the list. If you have something contributory to send, please do so. Ex. Don't just send a reply to a post saying something like "I agree with that, thanks :)".
  • Please be tolerant of others views. This is a diverse world and with that there are diverse views. This is for communication not hate or flame wars. Disagrement is fine, as with a civil discussion but no insultive or hateful posts will be accepted.
  • Have an open mind
  • To get off of this list all you need do is send mail to with "sign off Tao-list" some place within the subject or body of the email. Or you can go to and modify your account from there.

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