Testimony of Healing
About ten years ago, I had a question for God. First, you must understand that my generation was taught never to question God. But, I did. I said, "Lord, is this all there is"? "What am I doing wrong?" I had what most folks could ever want: a house in the suburbs, a new car every two years, a well-paying job with potential, a daughter I even liked, friends, and a crazy broken family. But still, there was something missing in my life. I was thrust into a world where demons of darkness, despair, and isolation trapped my soul. I isolated myself from everything and everyone. First, it was the car. I ceased driving, and only trusted a couple of people to drive for me. Then, it was the grocery store. A terrible feeling would overcome me inside of stores. It was unexplainable to me, and even more oblivious to the doctors. I no longer traveled to stores, banks, and any place where a large group of people gathered. I continued to further sequester myself until on a warm, sunny afternoon in May, I attempted to go out of the backdoor into what was once my favorite place; a beautiful backyard with a stream. I could not move my body. It became stone and frozen. I cried, "How could I have let this happen to me!" I traveled from doctor to doctor in search of a diagnosis, and simply, a name for what had been troubling me for more than a year. By this time, I had slipped from a normal woman in her thirties, to a wheelchair and often unable to lift a fork to my face, or climb into a tub to bathe. Out of the many who offered assistance, the one that I can remember best is a co-worker and family friend who thought more of my spiritual well being than anything else. Every Monday evening we would have Bible study and prayer. About a year later, as I lay on my living room floor in agony and pain, His light filled my room. He said to "love one another," and then charged me to be an apostle for Him. The Lord wants us to achieve greatness. He wants us to achieve our destiny. However, greatness in the absence of the Father results in unhappiness, unfulfillment, loss of identity, and all that goes with depression: sadness, absence of feeling, loss of or increase in appetite, loss of hair, and a general lack of concern for the living. I must direct you to comprehend the demon of depression. Depression is not the sicker-the-blues-you-get-on-Monday syndrome. Depression, as you may know it, cannot be explained away; replaced by a brand new hat, purse, or dress. It will not go away if you change jobs or buy a new car. Depression will prevent you from working, sleeping, and living. Without professional help, depression can even kill. Moreover, without God in your life, the demons will continue to tear at your very soul. The search for one's identity can be a long, tedious journey without Christ in one's life. If you're sad, unhappy and don't know why. If you're sick and tired of being sick. If your life just is not working, then come to Jesus. He is waiting. God is performing miracles of healing in our own backyard. The Lord is releasing families, communities, and nations for His kingdom. Several weeks ago, I attended the God encounter hosted by Mt. Sinai. I believe that many prayers had been sent on my behalf prior to this night. God even sent profits to confirm my healing. He said, "Just wait my daughter…remain prayerful, your time is coming." The Holy Spirit touched me in confirmation of my healing. A few days prior to this, there was an episode when in twilight sleep, and in the midst of tears streaming down my face, I could hear myself saying, "Thank you Jesus…thank you Lord…thank you...thank you." Finally, my day came during the youth revival. The Holy Spirit gave me a double dose of JOY! The laughter began, an uncontrollable laughter. I could not walk a straight line. I was dazed by the anointing. Oh, my Lord, my soul was free in the name of the Lord. When God's healing comes and the Holy Spirit's anointing is upon you everything seems like brand new. You wake up praising His name with a song in your heart. You're like a child again--but not. You are filled with desires of telling everyone, and anyone who will listen. You want to shake those who turn their cheek and shun you. "Hey, my brother! I want you to have some of what I just had. They tell me it's like wine--new wine." John 3:3 says, "Except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. Surrender to His mercy and love. He will grant you tranquility and untold joy. Praise the Lord! text | My Statement of Faith| text| A Letter from Jesus | ![]() |