Statement of Faith
I believe in God, the Almighty, the Father, the Creator of the universe, of all that is seen and unseen. I believe in Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, that He was born of the virgin Mary, that He was crucified, died, and was buried; that He rose on the 3rd day in fulfillment of the Scriptures. I believe in the Holy Spirit as a divine person as comforter, sent by Jesus Christ to indwell, guide, illuminate, and teach the believer. He is the Spirit of Truth. I believe in the Word of God, the Bible, that it was divinely inspired by the hands of His apostles and disciples, (44 men over the period of 1600 years) (Matthew 5:18; 2 Peter 1: 21) that it is accurate as well as historical evidence of man. I believe that it is the supreme authority in matters of faith and conduct (2 Timothy 3: 16-17) I believe in immersion as a direct command of our Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 28: 19) that it is for the born-again believer only. I believe in the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and Fire (Matthew 3: 11), and that it is a gift of God promised by the Lord Jesus Christ to all believers in this dispensation and is given after salvation (John 14: 16 - 17). I believe in the operation of the Gifts of the Spirit. (I Corinthians 12: 4-17) I believe in the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper as a memorial to His death and resurrection (I Corinthians 11; 26-27). I believe in the Body and Blood of Jesus when blessed, broken, and given; that it should be received often (Matthew 26: 29) I believe in prayer for the sick, prayer for deliverance, the laying on of hands, the anointing with Holy oil, and intercession of the spirit (Mark 16: 18; James 5: 14-15; Romans 8: 26) I believe in the love of Jesus as my saving grace. I believe He will come again… Where will you be? ![]() text | My Statement of Faith| My Testimony of Healing| A Letter from Jesus | ![]() |