Journal Writing

I am a certified journal writing instructor
and Bibliotherapist.I use the journal as a tool for health, healing, and renewal.
Journal writing can be used when on a journay for truth and identity with your BIBLE.
This page is currently under construction,
but it is my hope that it will develop into a
resource center for spiritual journaling.

Journal writing Links...

Life's Companion

Life's Companion: Journal Writing as a Spiritual Quest: A place you can go to order the book from
Vision River Guide Online: Features a profile of the book.

Journaling Links...

? Du Jour: If you're at a loss for something to journal about, this site offers a new journal topic each day. A good starting point for online journalists. Features links of interest, a newsletter, mailing list and a journal registry.
How to Develop a Spiritual Journal: Information about spiritual journaling, primarily from a Christian perspective, but it includes some good tips. The site also contains the owner's spiritual journal.
Journals - Welcome from The Mining Company: A page leading to multiple resources about journaling in general. While not specifically geared towards spiritual journaling, there are still several items worth seeing.
Journal Magic: Journal Coaching, e-mail list, Journaling Retreats/Classes and a forum message board by journal coach Sue Meyn.
Ways to Begin a Journal Writing Practice: This site offers really helpful suggestions for getting into the journaling habit.
Writing the Journey - Online Journal Workshop: This is a great site devoted to spiritual journaling. In addition to providing an online workshop, the site has loads of resources and information.

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More links to follow soon...

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