Daily Prayer
Matthew 6:9-13
And after this manner therefore pray ye: Our father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.  Thy kingdom come.  Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread.  And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:  For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

*** It is important to record your prayers daily in a loose leaf journal.  Tabs #1 - #31 are helpful. Also see "Finding Peace Of Mind".   Some examples a listed below: 

1. Begin with thanksgiving = Psalm 100:4, 103:1-3.  
    "I thank you for ___________________________________________."
2. Think of things to praise God for = Psalm 33:1, 147:1, Philippians 4:8.  
    "I praise you for ___________________________________________."
3. Ask God to forgive you and to cleanse you of your sins = Psalm 51:7,  I John 1:9.  
    "I ask that you forgive and cleanse me of ___________________________.
4. Enter into spiritual warfare = James 4:7, Ephesians 6:10-18.  
    "In the name of Jesus I stand against the spirit of ________ in my life."
5. Request financial provision = Matthew 6:11, Philippians 4:19.  
    "I ask that you to provide the finances for ____________________ today."
6. Ask for a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit = Isaiah 11:2, Ephesians 5:18,  Luke 11:13.  
    "I ask you heavenly Father to fill me afresh with your Holy Spirit."
7. Ask for direction for the day's priorities = Philippians 2:13, Luke 22:42.  
    "I ask that you set the priorities for my life today."
8. Spend time rejoicing in the Lord = Philippians 4:4, James 1:2, Romans 8:28.  
    "I rejoice in all that (_________________) you are doing in my life."
9. Be still and let God speak to you = Psalm 46:10, John 10:27.  
    "Lord, I purpose to be still now and ask what you want to say to me."
10. Submit your life afresh unto the Lord = Matthew 16:24.  
    "I choose to deny my self, take up my cross, and follow you today."
11. Make your personal requests known to God = Philippians 4:6.  
    "I ask that you for________________________________________."
12. Ask for forgiveness and cleansing = I John 1:9.  
    "I ask that you forgive me for ________ and cleanse me of __________."
13. Intercede for the needs of other people = I Samuel 12:23, James 5:16.  
    "I pray that you meet the needs (____________) of __________."
14. Purpose to forgive anyone who has offended you = Matthew 6:12, Acts 7:60.  
    "I purpose to forgive __________ and also ask that you forgive him also."
15. Pray for personal healing of hurts = Psalm 147:3, Luke 4:18.  
    "I ask that you heal the hurts that I received from ____________."
16. Pray for those in authority over you = I Timothy 2:1-4.  
    "I pray for (_______________________) for my _____________."
17. Cast all your burdens and cares upon the Lord = Matthew 6:33-34, I Peter 5:7.  
    "I release the problem of _____________________ into your hands."
18. Ask for wisdom and grace to meet the day's situations = James 1:5,  Hebrews 4:16.  
    "I ask you for  your wisdom and grace to face the situation of ___________."

Remember that Jesus desires daily fellowship.

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