This site is dedicated to all the couples we have met in our travels.
Please take a moment and visit each of them!
It is truly heartwarming
to see the glow of love from each of these sites.
It is ever amazing to us to see the growing number of couples
who met on the internet and are now happily married!
We dedicate this dance to you......

Tommy and Judy

Jerry and Judy

Doug and Tammy

Marv and Heidi

Ryan and Roxane

I will be adding to this page as I find new couples. If you happen upon this page,
and you are a couple that would like to be included......
please email me! Just rub the angels wings...

Lighthouse picture from: Homepage of Lighthouses

Zach and Theresa

John and Shannon

Our Wedding story | Donna's World | Rick's Page | Our kids | Sarah's story
Leah's page | MIA page | Awards | Couples | Death of An Innocent
Special Places in this World | Angels | Poetry | Guestbook
Our Adopted Mouse | Favorite Spots | Dedication to our Guardian Angels
Ring of Romance | Missing Children's Ring | Unofficial Donna Webring
Women's Webring | Heartland Webring
| Crescendo Webring
Circle of the Forty Suns Ring
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