three little angels

When I lay me down to sleep,
Fourteen angels watch
do keep.
Two at my head,
Two at my feet,
Two on my right,
Two on my left,
Two to keep me warm,
Two to wake me at dawn,
Two to be my guides,
Heaven's Paradise!

From the Opera Hansel and Gretel

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It is not because
things are difficult
that we do not dare,
it is because we do
not dare that
things are difficult.


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Ideals are like stars....
You will not succeed in touching
them with your hands

But like the seafaring man
on the desert of waters;
You choose them as your guides
and following them
You will reach your destiny.

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Go confidently in
the direction
of your
the life
you've imagined!

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He has achieved success who has lived well,
laughed often and loved much;
who has gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children;
who has filled his niche and accomplished his task;
who has left the world bettter than he found it,
whether by an improved poppy,
a perfect poem or a rescued soul;
who has never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty or failed to express it;
who has looked for the best in others and given the best he had;
whose life was an inspiration;
whose memory is a benediction.

Mrs. Arthur J. Stanley

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Leah's page | MIA page | Awards | Couples | Death of An Innocent
Special Places in this World | Angels | Poetry | Guestbook
Our Adopted Mouse | Favorite Spots | Dedication to our Guardian Angels
Ring of Romance | Missing Children's Ring | Unofficial Donna Webring
Women's Webring | Heartland Webring | Crescendo Webring
Circle of the Forty Suns Ring

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Background music "A Place in This World" from CCM MIDI

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