To Andy:
My dear Father-in-law that I never got to meet. I know you are looking down on us. Please know how much I love and adore your son!
At last there are 3 roses......3 roses for Andy

To Grandpa Earl:
Five years was not enough time with you! I wish you were here to see your Great grandchildren. How is it, that Jeremy, born 20 years to the day you died, looks just like you?

To Nana and Papa K.:
Memories of ice cream, the duck pond and the ocean. Too few memories that had to last a life time. But each is cherished, and will always live in my heart.

To Wendy:
My sister. You went away too soon. I know you are at peace now though. And I know you watch out over us.

To Bobby:
With Angel wings you can now fly, and run and jump. All that was denied you on earth. Give your Mom a hug for us, we miss you both.

To Aunt BoBo:
How I wish you could be here to meet my Rick! You always told me to be patient....that he was out there somewhere.....

To Ruby:
How can I not believe you are not a Guardian Angel?!?

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Ruby's Story

Ruby was a special person in my life. I met Ruby when I was assigned to be her hospice nurse. Ruby could make anyone laugh despite the fact that she was dying. She took everyone under her wing. Ruby signed her "Do not recusitate" papers and tore into life. She always joked that she would be happiest if she could die at K-Mart under the blue light special of the day! When she no longer had the energy to walk, we just rigged up a fancy wheelchair for her. Ruby knew I was going through a painful divorce. She told me not to worry, because she would always watch over me, and would help me find my Prince. After Ruby died, I missed her so much! In my mind, I always remembered what she had said......but I guess I didn't have quite enough faith to really believe it! Our story takes place a little over a year after Ruby died. I think I should tell you that Ruby's last name was "Huddleston". As I look up to the Heavens and the stars......I dedicate this story to you, Ruby.......

Donna Huddleston
And no......she was not related to my husband......
she never even knew him........

Follow the angel, she will guide you on your journey.
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