Sisterhood is a unit
Of togetherness and love
With tolerance and understanding
Sincerely interwoven.
Executives and members
High in aim and ambition,
Planning, sharing, working
In harmonious tradition.
Sisterhood is a way of life,
A design for humane living,
Dispelling anxiety and fears
With compassion while achieving.
No matter how foolish it seems
When love comes tripping along,
It's mine if it's borning dreams
Are one with my silent song.
I'm on the affirmative side
Concerning all true romance,
And if I may dare to confide,
It makes my whole world dance.
For the young in heart are those
Who laugh at the mask of age
And stand on the tips of their toes
Turning over a brand new page.
Both of the above poems were written by a woman I knew, Leah Udell. I was bestowed the priviledge of meeting Leah in 1981. I was assigned to be her Hospice nurse. Leah had just gotten her two books of poetry published right before I met her. She was SO excited to see them in print! She graciously gave me a copy of each. I know if Leah was still with us today, she would be on the internet. But since she isn't.....here's her moment of fame.
Leah....it was an honor to know you.....

Please allow the angel to take you inside...
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Leah's page | MIA page | Awards | Couples | Death of An Innocent
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Ring of Romance | Missing Children's Ring | Unofficial Donna Webring
Women's Webring | Heartland Webring
| Crescendo Webring
Circle of the Forty Suns Ring
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