Some of our favorite Pastimes

YEEEEEEE HAAAAA!!! Y'all come on in, and sit a spell, find out all 'bout Rick's Home
The Village of the Eagle. Not only one of natures most beautiful creatures, but here you will learn about life.
International Wolf Organization, the most complete internet resource for these wonderful animals.
Irmo High School Online, also where Donna works! We have lot's of fun, being the WebMasters for this site.
Lenape High School Homepage, Donna's Alma Mater.
Maryville High School Homepage, Rick's Alma Mater.
University of South Carolina - Spartanburg. Jeremy, will be graduating this year, and has been accepted here. He will be starting in the fall.
Carson Newman College. Rick Jr., also a senior, has been accepted here, and also will be starting in the fall of 97.
World Wide Web Consortium. Everything you always wanted to know about HTML!
Toad Suck Home Page. Boy, if ya haven't ever seen this one, ya just gotta go. A right friendly little place down on the old Mississippi, in Arkansas.


Our Wedding story | Donna's World | Rick's Page | Our kids | Sarah's story
Leah's page | MIA page | Awards | Couples | Death of An Innocent
Special Places in this World | Angels | Poetry | Guestbook
Our Adopted Mouse | Favorite Spots | Dedication to our Guardian Angels
Ring of Romance | Missing Children's Ring | Unofficial Donna Webring
Women's Webring | Heartland Webring | Crescendo Webring
Circle of the Forty Suns Ring

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