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Introducing Pippa!

Martha with the Aneise kittens

Pippa is my new little sister. She was born October 13, 1999, and my parents brought her home to meet me in early January, 2000. She's a kitten from the Aneise Chartreux Cattery, which is where I was born 5 years ago. Here she is with three of her siblings; this was taken the day my folks went to Austin to bring her home.

This is one of our first meetings - I'll admit I wasn't too sure about having a little sister at first. She looks familiar, but she's so much smaller than I am ... do you think they believe I'm going to play with her?
Jedi eyes Pippa

Pippa looking alert

I don't understand why she looks alarmed like this - I just growled a little!

She looks more relaxed here, curled up on one of the bar stools in my den. Hey, wait a minute ... those are my stools! You can see her eyes really well in this picture - they're not as deep or clear a color as mine yet - hah!
Pippa relaxing on the stool

Pippa playing

Of course, one of the things she spends a lot of time doing is playing. Here she is, chasing a red cord that's all frayed out at the end. Wait ... that's my cord!

You can see her little claws in this picture - no match for mine, as she'll soon find out, if she keeps playing with my stuff!
Pippa stretching for the tassel

Pippa checking out the pie
She gets into everything, even though she's little. Here she's trying to get to a chocolate pie; maybe I ought to help her get into it, then my folks would be mad at her!
Well, I guess she is still my little sister. All the mischief aside, she really is pretty sweet. I think we're going to be good friends!
Beautiful Pippa

All contents copyright (c) 2000, Last updated on 22 March 2000