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Introducing Pippa!

Pippa is my new little sister. She was born October 13, 1999, and my parents brought her home to
meet me in early January, 2000. She's a kitten from the
Aneise Chartreux Cattery, which is where
I was born 5 years ago. Here she is with three of her siblings; this was taken the day my folks
went to Austin to bring her home.
This is one of our first meetings - I'll admit I wasn't too sure about having a little
sister at first. She looks familiar, but she's so much smaller than I am ... do you think
they believe I'm going to play with her?


I don't understand why she looks alarmed like this - I just growled a little!
She looks more relaxed here, curled up on one of the bar stools in my den. Hey, wait a minute ...
those are my stools! You can see her eyes really well in this picture - they're not as
deep or clear a color as mine yet - hah!

Of course, one of the things she spends a lot of time doing is playing. Here she is, chasing a
red cord that's all frayed out at the end. Wait ... that's my cord!
You can see her little claws in this picture - no match for mine, as she'll soon find out, if she
keeps playing with my stuff!
She gets into everything, even though she's little. Here she's trying to get to a chocolate
pie; maybe I ought to help her get into it, then my folks would be mad at her!
Well, I guess she is still my little sister. All the mischief aside, she really is pretty sweet.
I think we're going to be good friends!