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When I Was a Kitten

When I was little, I weighed only about 10 pounds. My folks brought me from my home to their
house, and I wasn't really sure about this. For the first day I spent a lot of time under their
bed, which made me feel safer - the place was so big and I was so little! But my curiosity
finally overcame my fear, and I started exploring my new home.
One of the first places I got into was the bookcase - I'd never seen so many books.
They make a great hiding place to jump out at my folks from; wonder what else they're for?
Since it was winter (January) when I arrived, my folks often had a fire going in the
fireplace. It made a great place to sit and get warm.
(I still like to sit in front of the fire, but now I usually make my folks put an ottoman nearby so I can sit comfortably.)

Another interest I formed early in life was my fascination with luggage. In those days my
dad traveled a great deal, and so I had to help him pack almost every week. There's no telling
what he might have forgotten had I not been nosing into every nook and cranny of his bag.
A final shot of me as a kitten, lounging in the Elfa baskets in my folks' closet. They're
faithful to keep these wonderful places filled with clean, soft clothing for me to lay on.
To provide some contrast, here's a picture of me almost grown up sleeping in the same
basket. I've almost gotten too big (lucky for me I like tight places!)