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Jedi's Dining Room

Shortly after I became used to the house, the dining room became one of my favorites.
It has large windows that look out on the front yard, a patio, and the street. There
are trees and shrubs which attract lots of birds for me to watch, and when the sun comes in
I get all warm and toasty.
While this might have gone on the previous page (me as a kitten), I'm putting it here so you
can get another contrast between how small I used to be and my magnificence today.
I barely fit into the chair anymore, but it's still comfortable to me when the sun shines!

This is another picture of the dining room, figuring me prominently. You can see the front yard
through the windows, and just to the left you can see a green shape - that's a sign of one
of my favorite times of the year: Christmas.
Christmas to me means not only presents (which I don't get that excited about, since
I deserve all of them, and more), but it also means the Christmas Tree! Here, I'm sitting
on the green box you saw earlier. (It contained a bread machine for my grandmother; since she
loves me, she didn't mind that the top was caved in a bit.)
When the tree is up, which is about a month, I spend many hours sitting under its branches.
I also love walking underneath it to scratch my back.
The first time my folks put up the tree, they made me solemnly swear that I wouldn't bother
any of the ornaments or the lights. I promised.
Well, I tried!