Ewen Cameron in NZ
Family Tree
Ewen Cameron m. Maria Colquhoun
c.11 jun 1783 28 feb 1811 b.abt1790
Ardgour Kilmallie
d.06dec1848 NZ. d.1873? NZ.
children mostly born Kilmallie cont.
Mary Flora Majory Jane John Charles
1812 1814 1816 1815 1820 1822
| | | | | |
m. m. m. m. no no
| | | | issue issue
James Mr Mr Alexander ***** *****
McGreggor? Simpson Perry Alison
children cont.
Sara Alan Donald Margret Ann Cathrine
1824 1826 1828 1831 1833 1836
| | | | |
m. no no m. m. m.
| issue issue | | |
Duncan ***** ***** William capt. James
Campbell Henry Donald Campbell
Bugess McKinnon
To Ewen Cameron origins in Argyl
Mary Cameron 1st child of Ewen and Maria
b.1812 Scotland
m.abt 1844 NZ
McQuarry (McGreggor?)
Mary James
b.1845 b.
d. d.1944
Cameron/Campbell sheet2
Jane Campbell 4th child of Ewen and Mary Cameron
b.1814 Ardgour, Argyl, Scotland
d.1887 NZ
m. abt 1846 NZ
d.1887 NZ
| children born Wellington? , NZ
Alexander Roderick Ewen Duncan donald
(jnr) | william tobias (Toby)
b.1846 b.1850 b.1852 b.1855
d.1923 d.1882 d.1945 d.1935
| ****** | ************
m. m.
| |
Annie Mary ann
Stokeo Coleman
b. b.1854
d.1913 d.1928
see sheet3
Jessie Alfred Marion Effie Annie Alexander Ethel
patiece roderick alison myra jane edward(Ted) (Tootes)
b. b. b. b. b. b. b.
d. d. d. d. d. d. d.
| | | | | | |
m. m. m. m. m. m. m.
| | | | | | |
Molly Madge
sheet3 Cameron, Alison Cont.
Ewen William Alison 3rd child of Jane Cameron and Alexander Alison
Mary ann
Ewen (jnr.) Ernest May Roderick Alexander Ivy
william | | | | jane
b.1877 b.1879 b.1881 b.1883 b.1885 b.1887
d.1945 d.1941 d.1969 d.1883 d.1959 d.
| | | ******** | |
m. m. m. m. m.
| | | | |
Winifred Freda verna John Ida sarah Norman william
violet Reed Bartly Fotheringham mary McClymont lynedock Mair
b.1880 b.1896 b.1877 b.1887 b.1876
d.1972 d. d.1931 d.1959 d.
| | | | |
|============= |========== |================== |=========== |================
1 Ewen william 1 Wendy noel 1 Robert ewen ernest 1 Jean mary 1 Jane cathcart mary
2 Ellice charlotte 2 Alexander ronald
3 Audrey 3 Patrica may
4 Geoffery wynne
5 Lyned winifred
Following the accidental death of Ewen Cameron in 1848
the family moved to Auckland
Duncan Campbell of Dundavie, Grandtuly, Perthshire
NZ family records suggest he was born 1821
however Dull parish records suggest 12 march 1818
and his age at death of 56 suggest 1819
To Campbell origins in Grandtuly
Otago BMD
River Drownings
Duncan Campbell
found drowned 2 November 1875 Clutha River Otago
It is not clear when Duncan came to NZ,
but he is not at Dundavie farm in the 1841 census
Duncan married on 29 Aug 1851 Auckland NZ to
Sarah Cameron born 1824 Kilmallie, Argyl
Duncan is listed as a Master Mariner on the birth cert
for his first daughter Margaret in 1852 Auckland
By 1857 Duncan's brother James was also in Devonport, Auckland
where he married Catherine Cameron (Sarah's youngest sister)
Southern Cross 21 April 1857
Auckland, 16 April 1857.
At the North Shore on the 16th Instant, by the Rev Mr Heywood,
Mr James Campbell,
youngest son of the late Mr Alexander Campbell,
farmer, Dundaree, Grandtuly, Perthshire, Scotland,
Catherine, Cameron, youngest daughter of the late
Mr Ewen Cameron of Wellington, New Zealand.
From a letter by Duncans daughter Maria we know that
Duncan and James had moved to Gariels Gully, Lawrence, Otago
to follow the Gold Rush september 1861.
By the time of his daughter Margaret's marriage in 1871
to John Glass, Duncan is described as an Agent in Lawrence
but the following year
he tried his hand as a School Master (which was how he was was described on
Margarets death cert) which he continued till his acidental death in 1875
children of Duncan and Sarah
Margret b.27 aug 1852 married John Glass of Kinross
Maria b. 1854 married Andrew McBeath 19 May 1875, Roxburgh
Donald b. 1856
Duncan b. 1857 married Mary McFadzien, 8 June 1885, Fortrose
Euphemia(Effie) b. 1860? m. 1879 George Anderson LAIDLAW folio No. 0722.
Sarah b. 1862?
Mary b.06 feb 1863 married William Rainsford Bennett, 12? Dec 1884, Waiuku
According to my father Douglas Glass
it fell mainly to Margaret (his grandmother) to raise the family
after her mothers death 24 feb 1863
In 1887 George Laidlaw was a witness at the burial in Huntly of
John Glass' youngest daughter Pearl unice.
1881 electoral roll index
George Anderson Laidlaw, Te Awamutu, Storekeeper , Waipa electorate.
Maria Campbell
d.1949+ Timaru?
Andrew w.? McBeath who was a store keeper at Lawrence and Tuapeka Mouth
James Campbell b. 09 jan 1835 Duncans half brother
married on 16 apr 1857 to Sarah's sister
Catherine (Kate) Cameron (born 1836)
Charles b.18? m. Issobel patterson Cousens
Alexander b.1860
Margaret b.1865 m. Samuel edward portman Vernon
Catherine b.1866
Anne b.1870 m. William edward Aubrey
Jane b.1870 m. Andrew McGreggor
Maria b.1874 m. Albert Swanwick
Sarah b.1875
for extesive details of the Cameron and Campbell Lines in New Zealand
contact Graham Stuart Park
(decendant of Catherine Cameron and James Campbell)
who has extensivly researched both families
E-mail Stuart.