Campbell in Grandtully page1

Family Tree

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Dundavie picture and map Origins of this line from Stuart Park decendant of James Campbell b.09 jan1835
Marriage notice Southern Cross NZ.21 april 1857
James Campbell son of Alexander Campbell of Dundaree, Grandtully, Scotland

This should have read Dundavie, 2 cottages just east of Aberfeldy, Perthshire
Info 2 origins 1841 census shows 2 Campbell families Alexander and John both aged 50
both with eldest son named John, which Suggests that they might be related families
1841 census adult ages were normally rounded to nearest 5 years
which would suggest they were born 1785-1790
Info 3 probate However catherine age is given as exact 48 but then John 50 is 64 in next census

From the 1841 and 51 census plus IGI the probable tree looks like

 Alexander  Campbell
 d.02nov1850 at Dundavie
 m.1 07sep1816........................................... m.2 15sep1833
 |                                                        | 
 Janet Macintyre                                          Margaret Scott 
 |                                                        |
 |============|============|============|===========||    |=============|===========||
 John         Duncan       Robert       Alex              James         Ann
 |            |            |           (Archb.)           b.09jan1835   c.26nov1836    
 c.23sep1816  c.12mar1818  c.26apr1821  c.06mar1823       c.14feb1835   d.young?

Info 4 Borlick Farm

Ealier research done for Stuart Park had Alexander Campbell 1st Married to effie?
and 2nd to Isabella Daw about 1834 in Edinburgh midlothian
However neither found in IGI and 2nd marriage is definitly to Margaret

The 1982 microfich version of the IGI fich6903069 gives the more likely marriages of
Janet McIntyre 07 sep 1816 Dull and

Margt. Scott 15 sep 1833 Dull and Little Dunkeld
Marriage Banns for Margaret in both places which fits with Margaret being Scott being from Borlick Farm which although only just across the river from Dundavie is in Dunkeld Parish Also Margaret Scott as second wife is confirmed by the 1851 census and probate papers for Alexander Campbell dated 18 aug 1851 with Margaret Campbell nee Scott as widow.

sheet 2
1841 cencus shows 2 Campbell families at Dundeavie,Grandtully

Alexr.      Campbell     50    ag lab
Margret     Campbell     40
John        Campbell     20    ag lab
Archibald   Campbell     15
James       Campbell      5                    from nz     b.09 jan 1835
                                               from igi    c.14 feb 1835
                                   also        ann         c.26 nov 1836
                                   by          Alexr.  and Margt. Scott
Ann age 4 not in 1841 census   died young?

also in the next cottage at Dundavie
1841 census                                 Dull birth index fish 6903068/9
John         Campbell     50    ag lab      m.29 nov 1815 Catharine Stuart
Cathrine     Campbell     48    wife        children of  john and catharine
                                            margret      08 oct 1816
Jessie       Campbell     20                janet        02 jan 1819
Jean         Campbell     18                jean         16 jan 1821
John         Campbell     16    ag lab      john         01 jan 1823
Elizabeth    Campbell     14                elizabeth    28 jun 1825
William      Campbell     12                william      16 sep 1827
Robert       Campbell     10                robert       01 aug 1829
Catharine    Campbell      8                cath.        26 jun 1831
Susan mcbean campbell      6                susan mcbean 27 dec 1834

//Duncan         10 heardsman

1851 Census   only one family at Dundavie other house uninhabited

Margret     Campbell      50   widow Head Domestic duties   b.Borlick, Perth
John        Campbell      28   son   Farmer                   Dundavie
Robert      Campbell      24   son                            Dundavie
May         Campbell       6   niece                          Aberfeldy
Jane        Campbell      19   Serv.                          Glasgow
no sign of     james aged 16

john appears to have moved to Upper Derculiuch John Campbell 64 Head Farmer 20 Acres Dull Catherine Campbell 58 wife with 2 labs Dull William Campbell 23 son Dull
1st Marriage Alexander Campbell m. 07 sep 1816 to Janet Macintyre children from IGI version1982 not in 1998 or cdromV4.01 John Campbell c.23 sep 1816 Duncan Campbell c.12 mar 1818 Stuart has 1821 Robert Campbell c.26 apr 1821-1895 Kay has 1824 Archd. Campbell c.06 mar 1823 Stuart has Alex?

IGi shows James c.14 feb 1835
which fits james marriage notice in NZ
James Campbell son of dundaree? b. 9 JAN 1835

Children of Alexander Campbell

1881 cencus Dundavie Dull Pershire vol 324 enu7 page2
John        Campbell     age 63    Head  born Dull
                                    Farmer of 34 acres emp 1 man 2 girls 1 boy
Bell        Campbell      age 53    Wife  born Dull
Bell        Campbell      age 21    dau   born Dull  dom serv.
Janet       Campbell      age 18    dau   born Dull  dom serv.
Alexander   Campbell      age 14    son   born Dull  Scholar

James       Thompson      age 51    farm sev.
Elizabeth   Innes         age 40    Lodger former gen serv

Duncan Campbell emigrates to NZ, and on 29 aug 1851 ,age 33, marries to Sarah Cameron age 27 Duncan is listed as a Master Mariner on the wedding cert. did he go to Australia first? not on NZ ships lists

Robert Campbell son of Dundavie marries Elizabeth Robertson and farms at Cultullich just next door

To Robert's Tree

Archb? / Alexander?  son of Alexander
1881 cencus at Wester Coshville 
Alexander   Campbell   age 60    Head  born Dull
                             Farmer of 50 acres  Emp 1 man 1 girl
Janet       Campbell   age 48    wife  born Tobermory Argyll
Alexander   Campbell   age 25    son   born Dull
Margret     Campbell   age 19    dau   born Dull
Jessie      Campbell   age 13    dau   born Dull  Scholar
Hugh        Campbell   age 12    son   born Dull  Scholar
James       Campbell   age 9     son   born Dull  Scholar
Duncan      Campbell   age 7     son   born Dull  Scholar

James Campbell gave up his studies of medicine and also emigrated to NZ he married the sister of Duncan's wife Catherine Cameron on 16 apr 1857 in Devonport Auckland NZ
Ann Campbell b.1836 nothing known , died young?

To Grandtully page 2, Robert Campbell's tree
Part Census of Dull 1851
To Campbell and Cameron in NewZealand
To Cameron origins in Argyl
To Glass oringins in Kinross

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Updated 22nd feb 2006