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                William Glass               John Whyte To Whyte,Christie trees
                (a Carter)                  (a Weaver)
                m.14 mar 1802               m.04 jul 1813    
                Janet Paterson              Elizabeth Christie   
                |                           |
 |==============|============               |==============================================||
 Ann            William                     Jean          John   Mary  Elizabeth  William 
 b.01nov1803    b.04aug1805                 b.13sep1814
 c.13nov1803    c.11aug1805                 c.          info 2 confirmation of Glass children  info 1 Glass Origins
                d.13aug1889                 d.14jan1900
                                 m.14jun1835 Kinross
        Glass line               |
Eliza      William      Janet        John         Jeanie       Mary         Thomas       Eliza      Anne(i)     Euphemia     David
died       |            |            |            |            |            |            |          |           |            Leslie 
young      b.1837/8     b.12dec1839  b.1841/2     b.1844/5     b.1845/6     b.1849/50    b.1851/2   b.1853/4    b.30mar1856  b.22jan1860
*******    d.1881+      d.15apr1912  d.1917 NZ    d.06jun1933  d.           d.19jun1867  d.         d.1922      d.15jan1915  d.29apr1933 
           |            | AucklandNZ |            |  age89     |            age18        no issue   |           remained          aged73
           |            |            |            raised       |            *******      ********   |           single       no issue
           |            |            |            by her       |                                    |           **********   ***********
           m.01jan1872  m.18aug1863  m.14mar1871  uncle        m.02dec1875                          m.1881+
           |            |            |  in  NZ    Rev.         |                                    | 
           Mary ann     Andrew       Margaret     John         George                               John Lusk
           Grant        Moncur       Campbell     Whyte        Miller                               Duncan 
           of           emigrated                 of Nairn     of Srathmiglo                        in Glasgow
           Cromdale     to NZ

William of Grantown Moncur UK & NZ Glass in NZ Miller of Strathmiglo

page break

Death cert 29 MAY 1917 Devonport NZ
55 Years in NEW ZEALAND age 29 when married 14/3/1871
Parents: JEAN WHITE Married to a WILLIAM GLASS (WEAVER) Scotland

Info 3 Census 1841-81
Births estimated from Kinross and Nairn Cencus 1841-71

                       Born                Died
WILLIAM      GLASS     1805                aug 1889   age 84*
JEAN         White     before jan1814?     14/1/1900  age 86*

WILLIAM      GLASS     APR37/MAR38         13 in Nairn 1851 census
JANET        GLASS     12 dec 1839         married Alexander Moncur 1863 
JOHN         GLASS     aug41/mar42         Emigrated to NZ 1861?          
JEANIE       GLASS     apr44/mar45         6 in  Nairn 1851 census
MARY         GLASS     apr45/mar46         married George Miller 1875 lived Strathmiglo
THOMAS       GLASS     apr49/mar50         DIED 1867  age 18*
ELIZA        GLASS     apr51/mar52         witness at mary's wedding
ANNE         GLASS     apr53/mar54         married after 1881
EUPHEMIA     GLASS     30 MAR 1856         died 15/1/1915
DAVID LESLIE GLASS     22 JAN 1860         died 1933 Grantown

1851 census
Piece        sct1851/121  Enu district 5  folio 96 page 7 shed 31
Place        Boghole, Audearn Nairn

                 Rel   Mar   Age    Occ                                Birthplace
John    Whyte    head   m    33     Minister UP of Boghole chapple     Kinross
Mary    Whyte    34     m    34                                        Inverness
Jean    Glass    niece  u     6     Scholar                            Kinross

William Whyte    vist   u    26     Merchant Draper                    Kinross
William Glass    vist   u    13     apprentice Draper                  Kinross 

* Headstone Kinross East Burial Ground info from in Amersham uk.
**1881 cencus shows a David Glass ,drapers saleman
Lodging with Andrew and Janet Moncur (glass)

info 4 Census
Death cert  1889 of
son of

WILLIAM GLASS occ. Carter M.14 MAR 1802  Kinross
Ann            c. 13 nov 1803
WILLIAM        C. 11 AUG 1805

From the IGI ann Glass may have married
Robert Lamb    19 mar 1819 in Nairn
Thomas Brown   07 jul 1822 in Kinross
George Thomas  05 jun 1842 Banns in Krs and Edinburgh

page break
parents for           JEAN WHITE
from ages on cencus      JEAN BORN 1814/17
FROM IGI 1982 micrifich version

JOHN      WHYTE     m. 04 JUL 1813   to

JEAN      White     b. 13 SEP 1814     kinross 
John      White     b. 13 APR 1817     kinross *
Mary      White     b. 13 FEB 1819     kinross
Elizabeth White     b.  4 NOV 1821     kinross
William   White     b. 20 aug 1824     kinross

*Jean's daughter Janet, marriage to Moncur preformed by
uncle of the bride Rev. John White.

Listed in Kinross Museum inventory

Act of Separation 1843 (on parchment)
1st General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland.

Gift of Miss Mackie Whyte, Dundee &
Leslie & Howard Hill, Blairgowrie (Grandchildren);
Belonged to Rev J Whyte, UP Minister in Moyness(1817 to'94)
Son of J Whyte, handloom weaver in Kinross (1785-1867) and
his wife, Elizabeth Christie of Pitfar (1783-1864). 2/6/76

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