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© J.C.C.Glass...
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Alfred duncan Glass | William campbell Glass | Campbell & Cameron in NZ |
Euphemia elizabeth | Glass / Moncur in NZ | Mann / Clarke in NZ |
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John Glass 1842-1917 |
Margaret Campbell 1852-1917 |
I think the above photos are John Glass and Margaret Campbell
they were found in an envelope along with the birth cert for
Alfred George Douglas Glass (my father) and
his grandmothers Margret Glass nee Campbell death cert.
My father thought John Glass apprenticed as a baker in Edinburgh
and emigrated about 1861 age 19, but his sisters are working in a
bakery in Glasgow in the 1881 census.
John Glass m. Margaret Campbell (minor) b.~1842 b.27 aug 1852d.29may1917 d.13 apr 1917
Married 14 mar 1871 in Weslyan Church, Gabiels, Lawrence , Otago |============|============|============|============|============|============|=========|| William Maria(n) Leslie Alfred Flora Euphemia Peal campbell cameron john duncan jane elizabeth unice b.1872 b.1873 b.1875 b.1877 b.1878 b.01sep1881 b.1885 d.05may1947 d.1930+ d.1879 d.26jun1950 d.04oct1882 d.1916 d.06oct1887 | | ****** | ****** | *********** m.1901 m.1901 m.1901 m.1906 | | | | Alice rose Lionel oldham Evelyn John henry Guillard Paget Mann edward Lowe b.1879 b. b. b. d.09sep1963 d. d. d. First 4 children b. Mount Bengar district of Roxburgh, Otago which was another Gold rush town a few miles up river. Tuapeka Times 29 feb 1872 Opening of the new Weslyan church Roxburgh This church opened for devine worship february 18th
.... By half past six on Tuesday evening a good assemblage had gathered in the church tp partake of thesocial cup,and the tables were soon fillled. Mr John Glass was entrusted with the office of Caterer:.. Tuapeka Times 23 may 1872 Birth, Glass at Roxburgh, on Thursday 16th inst the wife of John Glass, of a son Otago Witness 27 sept 1873 For Sale:- Bakery and Confectionary Business Apply John glass, Roxburgh. Tuapeka Time 21 jul 1875 John Glass cabdidate for councilor elections due monday 2nd aug Tuapeka Times 14 aug 1875 ROXBURGH TOWN COUNCIL fornightly meeting ,present coucillors John Glass....... Otago Witness 8 feb 1879 Additional School Committee Elections Moa Flat Messrs J C Smith, John Glass tuapeka times 15 feb 1879 Sale by Auction on account of Mr John Glass 1 Mare , 1 harness mare Some time between 1879 and 1881 the family moved to Te Awamutu, North Island 1881 Electorial Roll Name GLASS, John Property Type Residential Electorate Waipa Residence Te Awamutu Occupation Baker Euphemia b.1881 TeAwamutu and Flora died 1882 Te Awamutu Waikato Times 15 & 17 march 1883 Adverts Wanted- Tenders for Building a four bedroom House Plans and specifications to be seen at the shop of Mr.John Glass, Baker, Te Awamutu Tenders close 4o'clock p.m. Saterday 24 March 1883 John Glass Te Awamutu 12th March 1883
Waikato Times 11,16,18, & 21st August 1883 NOTICE ALL ACCOUNTS owing to me must be paid to John Glass,Baker, Te Awamutu, on or before the 16th day of August, otherwise immediate proceedings will be taken to recover same G.A. LAIDLAW Te Awamutu August 8th 1883
Waikato Times 24,26,29,31 jan 2,5 feb 1884 £1 Reward Lost from Te Awamutu about 2 months ago A brown buggy mare with white hind foot and supposed to be branded Any one returning same to John Glass Te Awamutu will recieve the reward.
Wises Directory 1885-1886
Glass John, Baker, Te Awamutu
some time between 1886 and 1887 the family had move to Huntley
Pearl Eunice born Te Awamutu 1885 folio1326 died at Huntley 1887 folio1637 and then moved again Wises Directory 1887-1888 Glass John, Baker, Mount Roskill Road, Auckland.
Wises Directory 1898-1899 Glass Jno, Haslett Street, Eden Terrace, Auckland
NZ ELECTORAL ROLLS 1899 NTH ISLAND, AUCKLAND CITY. GLASS Alfred Duncan, Clerk, Vincent Street, Auckland. Wises Directory 1900 Glass Jno, Vincent Street, Auckland
By 1901 the familly had moved to Devonport, maybe as Margaret Campbell was born Auckland. Post Office Directory 1901 Glass - Jno, Baker, Victoria Rd John Glass' Bakery was on the corner of Hastings Rd. (now Av.) and Victoria Rd. Devonport. Wizes Directory 1912 Glass - Jno , Baker 123 Victoria Rd Devonport In 1912 he retired to St Stanley Bay The Auckland directory 1913 and 1915 Glass John Baker 25 Russle St. Stanley Bay The house and shop are still standing and is now a picture framing business Rates for 1915-17 show John Glass was also paying rates on 17 Owens Rd possibly for his sister-in-law Edith Laidlaw (nee Campbell)
William Campbell Glass married 1901 to Alice Rose Guillard of french origins folio 198
Marian cameron (Maria) Glass married 1901? Lionel Oldham Paget a commercial traveller who lived in Sydney divorced before 1914 chilren born Australia? Margaret Paget 1898? Arthur Paget 1906? died young? Arthur is not mentioned by my father when he recalled Aunt paget and her daughter Margaret visiting from australia about 1914 Aunt Paget was a keen collector of parrots
Alfred Duncan Glass married 9 feb 1901 Evelyn Annie Mann illigitamate daughter of Mary Elizabeth Mann and unknown children Alfred George Douglas Glass b. 6 may 1901 (adopted by grandparents as Douglas Glass 1902) Leslie Rupert Oakes Glass b.27 jul 1905 (adopted by Hayward following Evelyn's death in 1913) To Douglas Glass and Leslie Hayward
Euphemia (Tottie) Elizabeth Glass age 24 married 8 aug 1906 to John(Jack) Henry Edward Lowe age 22 b.Dargaville son of John Lowe a Photographer and Eliza Fuller children in 1917 William's avidavite referes to the late Euphemia Low children Avoh May Clive Maxse Oragean May may be Mary Amelia Lowe 1909
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© JCC Glass | Update 16th May 2008 |