Alfred duncan Glass page

Family Tree

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Glass/Moncur in NZ William campbell Glass Oakes,Mann of Birmingham UK
Euphemia elizabeth John Glass in NZ Mann / Clarke in NZ

Alfred duncan Glass? Everlyn annie Mann
Info 1 re;-Photos
                Alfred duncan Glass   4th child of John & Margaret Glass  
                b.junQt1877 Millers Flat, Otago folio No.1866                 
                d.26jun1950 at Warwick Rd. Hastings           
                |                                         Info 2 Births and Marriage
                m.9th feb 1901                   
                Evelyn annie ............. p. joseph william                              
                Mann                          Hayward              Info 3 deaths
                b.02oct1881 Auckland          b.abt1865 Australia      
                d.15oct1913                   d.26oct1928 aged 63       
               | =============================|================Info 4 re: Adoption
               Alfred george                  Leslie rupert
               douglas Glass                  oakes Glass     
               b. 06 may 1901                 b. 27 july 1905
               Parnell,Auckland               Cook St. Auckland
               |                              |
               Adopted  1902                  Adopted  1913

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LEFT appears to be Douglas taken by the same photographer as took John and Margaret.
RIGHT was inscibed on the corner
"From Leslie and his Dad to his Granma" and on the back
"on his second birthday Sunday , July 27th 07"

Info 3 from the 
 John Glass page 
 WILL saga
Alfred George Douglas Glass    b.  6 may 1901
Alfred was adopted in 1902 by grandparents 
John and Margret under name of Douglas Glass

Leslie Rupert Oakes   Glass    b. 27 jul 1905
Leslie  adopted by Hayward 1913? after the death of Evelyn, his mother

Alfred was also possibly the father of the child of Mildred (minnie), his parents maid, who about 1907 left in disgrace (pregnant) and so did Alfred about this time to Hastings going by the name Duncan Campbell next heard of in 1925 to contest the will of his father John Glass. IT had been rhomoured that Alfred was also the father of Leslie harold Guillard born 1907 , the illigitamate son of Edith maud augustine Guillard, whoe's sister Alice rose Guillard had married William Glass. Following the marriage of Leslie harold's mother Edith in 1909 to Stewart (sam) King, Leslie harold Guillard was raised by William and Alice Glass, and had a striking resemblance to the Glass family ! However DNA test show that Douglas Glass, Leslie Glass and Leslie Guillard do not share a common male ancestry!
Douglas Glass Alfred George Douglas Glass a photographer b. 6 may 1901 d.25 jun 1978 emigrated to England about 1928 Married in 1940 to Audrey Josephine Richardson 3rd daughter of John Robert Richardson and Louisa Ellen Roberts children John Caton Christopher Glass b. 1941 webmaster these pages To Douglas Glass Photo lists

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Following the death of Evelyn, Leslie was raised by her partner Joseph william Hayward; who it now seems may acutually have been his father
Directories of the time show they continued to live in auckland till 1916 , Leslie remebered Going to School in near Gisborne and records still existed in 1980 when he visited his old school but As yet no records of his education have been found either under Glass or Hayward.

Wises Directory 1912 and 1913
Jos. HAYWARD,plstr, 19 Gundry Street, Auckland. 
Gundry Street is off Karangahape Rd.

1916 Jos. HAYWARD, plstr, was at 18 Wellington St. Auckland.

1919 to 1827 Electoral Rolls of Gisborne 
Joseph William H. HAYWARD,
plasterer at 206 Childers Road, Gisborne.
 Leslie Hayward

  Leslie Rupert Oakes 
  Hayward a photographer
  |           2nd child of Evelyn Glass and probably Joseph Hayward
  m.1   1926
  Thelma grace              dau of      
  Murrell                   Frederick charles Murrell
  b.11jun1906 Wellington    and Emma zoe Styles 
  br22dec1943 lower hutt    
  Rex        Darcy      Leslie  
  b.1926     b.1928     b.1930 

Hayward Origins           Leslie 2nd Marriage

            joseph Rex Hayward 1st child of Leslie rupert oakes Hayward (Glass)
            b.~1926 Gisbourn
            m1. 1948  ...............................................m2.  
            |                                                        |       
            Noleen joan                                              Dorothy
Lynette     Gavin       Leslie      Murray      Warren      Gillian     Deborah     Russle 
grace                                                                   lee       died young 

Darcy Hayward 2nd child of Leslie rupert oakes Hayward(glass) b.~1927/8 Napier | p1. .................. m1. | | Helen Dorothy margaret | Bryce b. b. | | |==========|| |=============|=============|| Alan Cameron Malcolm

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    Leslie Hayward   3rd child of Leslie rupert oakes Hayward(glass)
    b.~1929/30 ormandville Waiarapa
    p.1 ....................m.2
    |                       |    
    ?                       Ivy
    ?                       ?     
    b.                      b.
    d.                      |
    |                       |
    |================||     |=============|============|==========||
    Maureen                 Lynette        Brett       Gregory      
    adopted as a baby, 
    her mother died

   Leslie Rupert Oakes 
   2nd marriage may 1945
   Doris anne 
   McClymont     to McClymont Origins
   b. London 1914  Ilford, Romford
   |               2nd daughter of Duncan McClymont 
   |               the family emigrated to NZ 1915
   Douglas                                      Brian               
   b.25feb1947                                  b.30jan1950
   |                                            |   
   |                                            |
   m1. 1969 ................ m2.1993            p. ..............m.1
   |                         |                  |                |             
   Julie                     Sue                Adrienne         Judith
   |                         |                  |                Melbourne 
   b.                        b.                 b.               b.
   |                                            |                |
   |                                            |                | Melbourne-Hayward Line
   |============|===========|=========||        |=========||     |===========|===========||
   Simon        Anna        Dean                Hannah           Amelia      Jamie      
   b.1972       b.1974      b.1978

My thanks to Doug Hayward for the major part of this tree

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These Pages are created and maintained by JCC GLASS
Last update 16 Aug 2006