Our Wedding Day Blues


Every bride wants a wedding she can always remember.

Well, I got that… I just won't remember anything else about the day!!

Like… who was there… what anybody said… who got us what gift…

just what DID happen to the cake topper off the grooms cake!!!

But aside from all the chaos, frantic preparation, and air conditioning problems..

it was still the best day of my life up to that point!!!

(My married life has been better… J )


Let me start before the beginning… J

We decided in the interests of economy to plan the wedding ourselves

and to take care of the decorations as well. The wedding was originally

planned to take place in a beautiful park we have locally next to a blue pond,

That would have taken care of the majority of the decorations!! J

I rented a heart-shaped metal arch for the bridal couple to stand beneath

and bought four potted trees to place on each side of the arch.

I also bought paper bells and streamers and rubber balloons for decorating

the reception hall. (which we rented just in case it rainedJ ).


Well, for six days before the wedding, it poured, but the wedding day dawned

as beautifully as any bride could wish!!

Unfortunately, the ground still remembered the rain… soggily.

Thank goodness for back-up plans!!


Okay, Bride and Groom start the morning by riding out to the park


to put up a sign for those not reading the rain clause in the invitation.

Then, it's off to the Ramada Inn to get the decorations

(of which we had to buy extra at around 11PM the night before the wedding)

up for the ceremony. The air-conditioner(necessary even in October in Texas)

wouldn't work, and no matter how much we pleaded, never worked..

Upon asking for a ladder to reach the about 12 foot ceilings,

the people finally bring one about 4 foot tall, claiming it's the tallest they have.

Time to rethink… How to put up the streamers and bell??

Solution: Bundles of helium balloons tied to the lightest bell and

some streamers with a wad of tape on the uppermost balloon to keep it from drifting.

We decorated all the tables with a simple arrangement of tulle cloth and candles.

Set up the arch and potted plants on the small stage I asked my parents to build

a month in advance... yet they made the morning of the wedding.

J and I thought Iwas a procrastinator!! J

I'd expected the help of the bridesmaids, best men, and bride's family with

the decorating chore... instead it's bride, groom, and a few members

of the grooms family… too much work, too little time!!

(Brides-to-be, don't make my mistake.. assume help from no-one!!)

Finally, one bridesmaid arrived whose main priority was not fixing up her hair,

And the bride realized that even with setting the wedding back an hour due to

it being relocated, it was way past time for her to get dressed and fix up

Her hair…


I leave the rest of the preparations in the capable hands of

the maid of honor and the future family as..

Guests arrive…


A few of the guests who'd arrived had to leave before the cremony

thanks to it's being delayed… Major bummer…

even so, more arrived late than had to leave early.

Yep, that's my family… Procrastinators one and all. J


Finally, I'm dressed, primped, and I've almost caught my breath

from the rush of the morning…. time for The wedding..


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