Catch the Wind : Beatles

Music from Jack's Shack

CAT's Tale:

 Hi! I'm CAT- Short for Cheryl Ann Taylor.

I'm from a little place in Texas called Bryan/College Station.

This is the home of Texas A&M University, and The Aggies;

Although I've never been one.


I've always loved music- I sang four years in my high-school choir;

Honor choir in my last year, and my favorite past-time is karaoke.

cats singing

My taste in music has always astounded my contemporaries;

"God! When were YOU born?" they'd ask,

but most of my favorite music is "Golden Oldies", music

from the 60's and 70's- Probably because it's been tested by time

so that the radio stations only play "the Best". I don't care for

most "Moldy Oldies", music from the 20's to the 40's..

Why?? Beats me.. J


cat on book

I've been hooked on reading Fantasy & Science Fiction

since my brother introduced me to Tolkein's "The Hobbit"

at a very young age. When I was younger, I also loved writing

poetry, and short stories. I'm beginning to take the time out

for writing again.

 cat on bookshelf

I was raised with a strong love and appreciation of animals,

even though I had no pets for the majority of my childhood.

I worked for two years at a local ranch mucking stables just

to learn more about horses and to be around them- I still

don't have a horse, but at least now I know that

"the work involved" will NOT "make me grow out of my

girlish infatuation" with them!J


As I was growing up I was always a shy, reclusive youngster,

But you wouldn't know that from the way I acted!! I hid the

Real me behind a façade of outgoingness; seemingly

unable to be hurt by the sometimes cruel taunts of the

other children.


I've kept that shy outgoingness even unto adulthood when,

at the age of 29, I had my first genuine date with a guy-

fell in love- and got married!!

Boy, us shy girls work fast when we want to!! J

What makes this perhaps most amazing is, at least

as far as initiating relationships HE was as shy as ME!

running rat

* You'll learn more about my wonderful husband in RAT's Tale

-NOT named for his personality.. J

* Both of us are extremely romantic, you'll find out how we

brought sentiment into our wedding, in Our Wedding.

-an apt name for that segment, yes? J

* Find out what else I love in a brief, list format Here.

-brief list, so as not to bore you furtherJ


Thanks for visiting, hope you enjoyed the stay!


HOMEGraphics by Destiny's Lady @ ME:

cat graphics by CatStuff @

For your convenience, here are shortcuts to all my pages.

Contents of CAT's House Main Page

[Journeys of the Spirit II- My Art] [CAT's Cardmaker!]

[My Favorite Links] [Free-4-All Links] [Updates!]

Contents of PawPrints- About Us

[CAT's Tale] [RAT's Tale] [Wedding Day Blues]

[Our Wedding] [Our Pets] [Our Future Dreams]

Contents of Journeys of the Spirit-My poetry Page

[A Child Within] [Poems 4 RAT] [Greeting Card Poetry]

Contents of CAT's Fun Page!

[General Trivia Game] [Sports Trivia Game] [Entertainment Trivia Game]