CAT's Greeting Card Poetry

Virtually enjoyable poetry for your virtual cards!

If you would like to make a card with one of these, copy it(Ctrl C), begin making your card, then
paste(Ctrl P) in the 'enter text' section. You MUST include the copyright in your copy!
Please, Let me know if you use any of these poems!! (E-mail me)

To my Virtual Friend

Although I've never met you

and perhaps I never will

I still consider you a friend,

and I shall come good or ill.

When everything in real life

just seems always to go wrong

and you need someone to listen

come to me, I will be strong

A private friend who'll be there

one whom no one else can see.

And I know, my Virtual Friend

someday you'll be there for me.

Ó Copyright 1998-Cheryl Taylor, CAT's House @

Anniversary of loss

It's been a year since your terrible loss

the wounds are beginning to heal,

but a year's no time for wounds of the heart

and I know you are hurting still.

Just remember when it hurts so bad

no matter what, I will be there

to help you remember, and remain strong

and heal before one more year.

Ó Copyright 1998-Cheryl Taylor, CAT's House @

First Anniversary

It's been a year since that wondrous day

When I took your hand in mine

And it seems like it's been years,

Or perhaps it's been no time.

With all the joy you've brought to me

I can scarce remember when

My life was empty before you

'cuz it's been so full since then.

You've been my closest companion

You've been my lover too

When things went wrong you stood by me

You are all my dreams come true.

One year with you is not enough

My love, it could never be

A lifetime's not enough for us

I want you eternally

Ó Copyright 1998-Cheryl Taylor, CAT's House @

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