CAT's Poetry!

I've arranged my poetry into an easily accessed menu format.

So far, all that will be active is my poetry to RAT, and my card poetry

which you can use to personalize your own cards!

My childhood, dreaming poetry will be added soon.. :)



Tap on the pawprints to enter the subpages!!


* A Child Within... To my RAT

* My Poetry for my RAT


* CAT's Card Poetry- personalise your cards!!

* *coming soon*

Guest Book! PLEASE! View & Sign my Guestbook!

Kitty saying 'be kind to animals!!' 

Site currently

Under Construction

Please revisit soon!



For your convenience, here are shortcuts to all my pages.

Contents of CAT's House Main Page

[Journeys of the Spirit II- My Art] [CAT's Chats] [CAT's Cardmaker!]

[My Favorite Links] [Free-4-All Links] [Updates!]

Contents of PawPrints- About Us

[CAT's Tale] [RAT's Tale] [Wedding Day Blues]

[Our Wedding] [Our Pets] [Our Future Dreams]

Contents of Journeys of the Spirit-My poetry Page

[A Child Within] [Poems 4 RAT] [Greeting Card Poetry]

Contents of CAT's Fun Page!

[General Trivia Game] [Sports Trivia Game] [Entertainment Trivia Game]

Graphics by CatStuff @

Bravenet @