Journeys of the Soul:


A Child Again

My love, once I was a child at play

my life full of happiness and laughter

I loved life, and all it held in store

and thought that would remain for ever after.


As time passed by, my life began to change.

Sorrows and responsibilities galore

overtook the joys and laughter,

I feared the child gone forever more.


Then you came into my life one day

and in my heart I finally knew

the child in me had only hidden

'til I looked into your eyes of blue.


For Robbie...

Happy Anniversary, Dearest!

My Mom sent this to us.. just a few days early.

All poetry on these pages is copyrighted by the author (me).
Please do not use without first being granted permission.
My E-Mail address is below. Thank-you!!


HOMENone yet greetings poetry



graphics by Destiny's lady @

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