An Inspired History of God's People
The Conflict of the Ages Series
by Ellen G. White

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Clicking on any of these titles will take you to the Ellen. G. White Estate website where you can read full versions of these classic books on sacred history that will make the Bible come alive. Most Christians are unaware of the pageant of sacred history from eternity past to eternity future. These books, written in a narrative form, complement a study of the Bible, making plain what, to our dull minds, is often obscure. All the stories and prophecies of the sacred record are set, like jewels in a crown, into their proper place and related to each other in a delightful and easy to read narrative. Please use your browsers back button to return to Homeward-Bound Family Services. I highly recommend these books for any one who desires to understand the full sweep of sacred history from the inception of sin to the eradication of Satan and sinners.



Recommended by Paul Harvey on his nationally syndicated radio program.


Patriarchs and Prophets presents the story of the conflict between good and evil--between Christ and Satan--from its beginning, starting with the origin of evil, then taking up the creation of the world, the Bible patriarchs, Israel's Egyptian bondage and Exodus, and their establishment in Canaan up to the time of David.


Prophets and Kings continues the story from the time of Solomon through the remaining kings of Israel and Judah and the times of the prophets, including the time of Israel's captivity and restoration, down to the coming of the Messiah.

Desire of Ages is Ellen G. White's classic on the life and ministry of Jesus.

Acts of the Apostles presents the story of the early Christian church through the rest of New Testament times.

The Great Controversy picks up the story at the destruction of Jerusalem and follows, in broad outline, the major issues of the conflict between Christ and Satan as they have been seen in the history of the Christian church down to our own day--and beyond, based on what the Bible says will yet take place.



Other Inspirational Books by Ellen G. White



After reading these books, don't forget to return to this website for more inspirational materials.





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