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Events:Arrival of Jesus - 07/23/00 07:48:09
My URL:http://www.yeshuaisback.net

1>A Concurrent Analysis of the Bible Code, “sealed book” spoken of by the prophet Daniel, and the Biblical Text on the Second Coming of Christ. 2>Focusing on God Fulfillment of the Seven Major Covenants in relation to End-Time Events. 3>Revealing the hidden information concerning the returned Messiah and the Two Witnesses in the most sacred of all Biblical Scriptures: Mezuzah. www.yeshuaisback.net

Terrick - 07/23/00 04:35:47
My URL:http://www.yeshuaisback.net

1>A Concurrent Analysis of the Bible Code, “sealed book” spoken of by the prophet Daniel, and the Biblical Text on the Second Coming of Christ. 2>Focusing on God Fulfillment of the Seven Major Covenants in relation to End-Time Events. 3>Revealing the hidden information concerning the returned Messiah and the Two Witnesses in the most sacred of all Biblical Scriptures: Mezuzah. www.yeshuaisback.net

- 06/18/00 02:58:48


Allen - 04/30/00 04:00:08

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