The Language of
Do you want to go to heaven,
then it is wise to learn the language of heaven while on earth!
The Bible teaches us the language spoken by all of God's children.
Here is a basic primer. We shall acquire advanced skills under
the tutelage of Christ himself.
Each basic lesson is divided
into two parts, grammar and practice. First we learn the grammar
by reading the language, then we learn to appreciate the language
as represented by God's created works by viewing images of both
nature and His Children. At first, the exercises, in each lesson,
may seem hard to understand and practice, but with the grace of
the Holy Spirit and practice, the language skills will develop
naturally. Should you desire additional training or have grammar
or syntax questions, please consult the master teacher, he is
always available for extra curricular instruction.
After reading the lesson,
please study the photograph album of nature, endeavoring to extract
from its lesson book further insights into the nature of the language
of heaven.
Lesson Contents
- Lesson 1 The Exalted
Name of God
- Lesson 2 The Marvelous
Works of God
- Lesson 3 The Voice
of the Lord is Upon the Waters
- Lesson 4 Sing
Unto the Lord A New Song
- Lesson 5 Magnify
the Lord
- Lesson 6 Clap
Your Hands and Shout
- Lesson 7 Early
Will I Seek Thee
- Lesson 8 Come
and See the Works of God
- Lesson 9 Extol
Him That Rideth Upon the Heavens
- Lesson 10 For
Thou, Lord, Art Good
- Lesson 11 I Will
Sing the Mercies of the Lord
- Lesson 12 He Is
My Refuge and My Fortress
- Lesson 13 It Is
A Good Thing To Give Thanks Unto the Lord
- Lesson 14 Thou
Art From Everlasting
- Lesson 15 Let
Us Kneel Before the Lord Our Maker
- Lesson 16 For
the Lord is Great and Greatly to be Praised
- Lesson 17 The
Hills Melted Like Wax At the Presence of the Lord
- Lesson 18 Make
A Joyful Noise Unto the Lord
- Lesson 19 Come
Before His Presence With Thanksgiving
- Lesson 20 The
Lord Is Excellent and Gracious
- Lesson 21 "Who Maketh the Clouds
His Chariot: Who Walketh Upon the Wings of the Wind"
- Lesson 22 "Talk
Ye Of His Wondrous Works"
- Lesson 23 "Who
Can Utter the Mighty Acts of the Lord?"
- Lesson 24 "Oh
that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his
wonderful works to the children of men!"
- Lesson 25 "Thy
Mercy Is Great Above the Heavens"
- Lesson 26 "...The
Works of His Hands Are Verity and Judgment"
- Lesson 27 "The
Lord Is High Above All Nations"
- Lesson 28 His
Mercy Endureth Forever
- Lesson 29 "Sing
Praises Unto the Lord, For It Is Pleasant."
- Lesson 30 "O
give thanks unto the God of heaven: for his mercy endurth for
- Lesson 31 "I
Will Praise the Lord With My Whole Heart"
- Lesson 32 "Every
Day Will I Bless Thee."
- Lesson 33 "Praise
Ye the Lord. Praise Ye the Lord."
- Lesson 34 "Praise
Ye the Lord!"
- Graduation
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